Julra Teleport is Still Bugged +Progression Issue for Temportal Sanctum

Teleport Mechanic

The teleport mechanic is still rubber banding at inconsistent times throughout the fight. I recorded a T3 fight to demonstrate the issue. You can see it happen
around 1:20. Sometimes it happens more often sometimes it happens less. I’m not sure what triggers it.


You can progress to the next tier while dead if your minions kill julra. I don’t think I should be getting kill credit for boss tiers if I kill them while dead.

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I am getting the same issue with teleport, although in my case she instantly drops a Tear as soon as Implosion happens, someone have mentioned that it might be related to casting a skill while teleporting which causes your char to return to previous timeline at the end of cast.

If someone needs logs or another recording I have those.

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