Alright so either your lootfilter is preventing you from seeing unique . Or there is a bug. Julra is meant to give you a lp unique every time so you can do a legendary every time
Woops - I misread the patch notes and thought it was fixed in 0.9h already.
Sorry Just did Temporal Sanctum Tier 1 in 0.9h which says it was patched, and still did not receive a unique drop
Did 3 more runs 1x Tier 1, 2 x Tier 2, and received zero uniques from Julra
Been farming a bunch of her across all tiers lately and then wondered why I haven’t gotten any of her uniques. What a rude awakening. I don’t get how so much of the game is still broken and broke with this latest patch with still no fixes. Another example: Lightless Arbor unplayable, cannot get through dungeon - #19 by b390