Judgement: Consecrated Aura resetting duration in Temporal Sanctum

During a run through the Temporal Sanctum dungeon, I would refresh my judgement aura as I noticed the previous use of it expired. One particular run I was going back and forth between the past and present times looking for an open passageway when I noticed my aura still had not fallen off even though I was certain it should have expired by then. With some further experimentation and practice, I have been able to maintain one use of my judgement aura through entire floors of the dungeon every time and can replicate the bug every time. Below is a link to a recording of my normal aura duration vs when using the bug.

Do you mind posting your player log?

You can use this to find them.
Does the infinite aura keep dealing dmg?

Player-prev.zip (834.2 KB)
Okay, here is a .zip of the player log from the session where I did the recording. And yes, it keeps doing damage, including maintaining the damage boost from temporary sources such as using Holy Aura just before activating Judgement or using Javalin’s Sacred Forge.

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