Jormun's Wrath node in Warcry tree

A couple of issues with this node for me.

Doesn’t appear to freeze enemies at all. I’ve tested this over and over and it does nothing, even for a split second.

I understand it makes it so there is no more knockback, which is functioning correctly, but is it supposed to work with Apprehend? I was hoping Jormun’s Wrath would freeze the enemies, and at the same time pull them in closer with Staggering Roar and Apprehend. But the enemies are neither freezing, nor being pulled in closer. Jormun’s Wrath just seems to break it all.

Woops… Just realised it was the Shallow Breath node that is causing the freeze not to work… still doesn’t explain why the pull in from Apprehend and Staggering Roar doesn’t work though.

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