Javelin Bug - Divine Fury and Siege Barrage do not work together

While Using both Divine Fury and Siege Barrage in the Javelin tree, Divine Fury gets disabled.

While testing i was also using Tu’rani’s Bident

If it’s intended, the ui doesn’t mention it. I would have tought hits from siege barrage would still split to other targets.


Dummys didn¨t behave as real monsters… As OP said Divine Fury is not working together with Siege Barrage. (which is stated if you use ALT to see more info). Kind of sad though…but not really a bug then

Also Siege Barrage do not work with Holy Trail either. Seems as soon you take Siege Barrage everything else gets blocked off. (Same here…stated in the ALT info) Hence no bug… but makes javelins a bit lackluster. Many skills often enables quite a lot of nice extra effects…but here you are more or less stuck to choose one.