Item Gifting Development Update from our Principal Game Designer

This is not exactly going to do that but it will make it harder. There will still be RMT just like there used to be in d3 RoS before they added those gifts. There are multiple ways you can abuse the gift system to enable rmt including account sharing.

wow… to be very honest, i’ve never heard this point of view before. nothing wrong with it. just its quite rare for me to hear that you cant enjoy the fact that an extremely good item is going to waste.

its quite valid. even if the item could be shattered, its really a huge waste. it would really be good if someone could use the item. unfortunately theres no real workaround if theres no trading. i definitely understand your reasoning but if you think of it a different way, the reason you were able to get that super rare drop in the first place is probably the result of no trade droprate. if trading was enabled, theres a fair chance you wouldnt have dropped that item. also other players would have a lower chance of finding the item as well.

the situation can be like winning a 1 in a million lottery for a prize that you literally see no value but could be super valuable to someone else. not being able to give it away is eating you up inside.


the prize is now transferable but the prize is now 1 in a trillion.

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Couldnt agree with you more. The studio didnt wake up yesterday and say to themselves, “well shit guys, this trade thing isnt going well, lets nuke it!” The game is good, until recently the devs have been great with regards to communication. They goofed, that is fine. What is not fine is knowing for a while trade was too much to tackle and not just being open about it. The thing that kind of annoyed me is that they spent even MORE dev time making the cute gift mechanic. Just let us drop the damn item on the ground and move on! I fell too much time has been devoted to the online portion of the game, where are the missing classes? Shouldnt these be play tested so things are smooth going into launch? I know we will get a good product, we just need the team to be posting more.


Nice man, hopefully one of the 4 thousand relics you find will have more than light radius and 8 physcial damage reflected to attackers :rofl: I actually joined a small private league (500ish people last time I looked) that is based on helping others if you find something good. I feel that basic level of trading should be here if there is any sort of system at all ya know? SSF life means I will finally roll a cold dot occultist (not looking at optimized pob’s, I have something that can do 2 mil dps with nothing but budget gear). What will you roll?

You are right, diversity is dying in PoE, its the “vision.” All this is happening to make PoE2 more inline with how PoE was years ago. Thats fine by me, but the team is doing an absolute shit job with implementation! This big curse “buff” this league doesnt change anything meaningful, hell if you run blasphemy you have to spend hella points just to undue the 25% less effect from the skill! I have 3 curses lined up, how the hell am I going to self cast these?

Protip, hc in GD is a hoax. You can pause the game any time you are in danger and just relog haha, I may or may not have done that a handful of times in Ultimate! You are 100% spot on, trading in GD is a pointless addition, but its cool for those who like to play legit. There are so many mods out there where you can just make your weapon and import it into the game. You obviously have knowledge of mods, I hope you have payed Grimarillion, Dawn of Masteries, and Reign of Terror! That game has some of the most amazing mods. I hope at some point the mod devs will be allowed to make mods for of us who just want to play offline.

Have fun tomorrow man, that mirror will drop, just one more map!


There are more words here than all my posts combined

So I don’t mind the limited gifting system. I’ve been playing the game for over 4 years, happily content with how the game has been updated up to this point. I feel this game’s true success lie’s within steady doses of combat, gearing, crafting, items, class updates, performance improvements, end game systems, and solo competitive leader board ladders. Those are the main reasons i’ve spent thousands of hours in this game, and look forward to more of that after 9.0 patch! :slight_smile:


I agree with the developers of the game, trading a la POE or remember Diablo 3 Vanilla… it was horrible. Keep it up you are on the right track.


This is wildly disappointing. I understand not having a bazaar, but why can’t I trade items to whoever I want? That’s part of the fun of multiplayer. I get the sense that most players like it so whatever, make your game however you want, but I really think this is a mistake.


Like the stash? You can’t move stuff between sc/hc or solo/non-solo/any other solo characters, but this has been in the game for years.

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Yes, but I mean for the online version of the game. Like how SSF works in Path of Exile.

Very good decision, much better than currency farming simulator with terrible trade (poe)

And the stash is going to be in the online version. Why do you think it wouldn’t be? Obviously you won’t be able to move stuff from your offline stash to your online stash.

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I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about having the stash for every character but in a mode that doesn’t allow trading with other players.

I am right there with you! Unlike PoE, I dont think crafting mats will be scarce, so I dont have to worry about finding a nice piece I will never use, but cant sell for mats to improve my gear. Everything you said aligns with how I view this game along with the others in the genre. Trading is just an extra, but that extra is an integral part of the experience for a lot of players. I feel for them, it seems trade enthusiasts have been waiting damn near forever for the highly anticipated trade system, after all it was the devs who put so much focus on discussing it with us. Its a lesson learned I hope, I am in my no means boycotting the game or have even a bit of ill will towards the team. They were ambitious, too ambitious it turns out. EHG has done a tremendous job with updates up till recently. I hope the team adjusts this gifting system and strike a middle ground with the trade peeps. This system aint it.

It’s not unique, it’s the D3 approach.

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Initial Harvest was THE best thing ever in PoE, gradually building up your items as you need them was the highest motivation to play longer that I ever had in the game.

I’m not sure what to think about it.

First impression is that I’m deeply disappointed. I always liked the trading aspect of MP games. You don’t need to “play the market”, neither does the game turn into a “economy simulator”. It’s just the simple thing to get value out if good items you can’t use on your own toon. Sell it and buy things you can make use of.

This way people get a dopamine rush when they find a really rare item they know it can boost their own build by selling it or exchanging it for the build defining gear.

For me it doesn’t matter if you can solo farm all the stuff you need. That’s just different. Having no trade leaves the whole online experience incomplete.

Now I don’t think LE is in a bad state currently with no trade. The droprates are nice for SSF. It’s ok.

But the game was sold as a MP experience WITH trade, with the Bazaar system. And when people here say “stick to tour vision, EHG, don’t listen to the naysayers”, I ask myself: “Where have you guys been, when they originally buried their vision of having the Bazaar as a trading system?” This was their vision.

What we got now is the result of EHG changing their mind and NOT sticking with their vision. Remember Mike talking about how he loved / loves trading and that they are working on finding a nice system? Obviously they have given in to the crowd that sees trade as something bad.

And let’s be honest here: It’s more convenient for EHG to not have to develop a real trading system when they already delayed the MP release because of the workload.

I’m not pissed, I’m not overly negative. But I’m also not a fanboy that just happily swallows everything that EHG throws at me.

I think the current community might be 50/50 on this. Because many people have learned to like the game for what it is. But this decision will impact the acquisition of new players negatively.


I am half disappointed with this news, I think it’s a really good idea to seriously limit trade which is going to enhance the value of farming.
However, it took more than a year to implement multiplayer without any other content update in the meanwhile, so I would at least expect the multi experience to be top notch, and I believe it won’t be the case with this form of « gifting » system which seems to me insufficient.
Let’s say I play the game with one or two IRL friends, but I have more time to sink into the game, which means more time to loot stuff, and in the end, having stronger overall characters and getting ahead of them in the corruption levels I farm.
If I can’t share any item I loot, that could be good for them, to help them improve their characters and continue farming with me at higher levels, that means I will have to play at their levels if we want to continue playing together, removing all the fun for me since the content will appear to easy, and the drops too low level.

A strict solution could be to choose one or two person at the beginning of a league, with whom you will be able to trade freely during all the season, at the condition that they also add you in their one or two friend group.

no vibrant economy will turn off the few hundred players left playing. so dissapointed.


Yeah, same thing, they see crafting as an extension of the slot machine that is loot, any deterministic choice is extremely hated by GGG, I’m still surprised they didn’t destroy meta crafting, too… deterministic!
I see the same thing with EHG and trading, they all know PoE well, and want to stay away of the trading economy effects, with the “all for the profit” mindset and currency farm strategies that overtake PoE experience, with the wealth of content and incredible bosses it has.
At the end each one stick to their guns, sometimes it aligns with us, sometimes doesn’t.


This is by far the most reasonable and valid concern about the lack of trade i’ve seen so far in this thread and something i didn’t really consider being myself rather happy they want to move away from the crappy PoE economy and abysmal drop rates. I hope the devs read your feedback and consider your suggestion.

Just a quick reaction to the “one year to implement multiplayer” part thought. During that year they basically re-built a completely different game client with parts probably being re-built from scratch so i’m not really that surprised it took them a long time and i think/hope future updates will come at a higher rate now that the “hard work” is finally done.

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I dont like that gifting system too much because in my opinion it is too limiting. If a good item drops that one of my friends would probably need and he misses the session I cannot give it to him later on. I would have preferred an AH system with a restriction of how many items you can trade for like 5 items simultaneously up for sale.
This system will make farming extremely tedious on top of the normal grind until you reach the endgame.