Item fracture

This has got to be a bug!

Item fractured with no shards on it!

Went to put an Armoured shard on the item (which had none on it), used a Glyph of stability…clicked the apply button quickly to put 2 shards on it.

Item received a “Minor fracture” and had no shards on it. So was still just a base item!

Did it have an instability on it to begin with? I’ve fractured white items before (I found a nice base with crap affixes & 2 instability, so I cleansed it & then it fractured on the first attempt).

No LLama8, it had 0 instability on it as I had just purchased a blank item from the vendor, to put a couple of affixs on to it. So didn’t need to use a cleansing shard, as it was already blank!

Think the fact I double clicked the shard I wanted really fast. As I didn’t wait for first to show up on the item, before clicking again bugged it somehow!..speed clicking as fast as my little finger could go.

Not been able to reproduce the bug yet, as double clicking like what I did seems to be prevented!

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