Is this a bug or a mechanic I dont understand?

So I got to 0 hitpoints using Lich through AoD, and when reaching 0 nothing damages me now… and I dont die, so basically immortal.

Is this some mechanic I dont understand? like, idk, Im leeching and the leech happens before the damage or something like that.


good trick for hardcore lol

doesn’t sound ethical so i won’t look into it more :wink:

It’s a bug.

How do you kill that which has no life?

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With strange eons, obviously.

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So activate AoD and then you’re immortal from all damage?

Even death may die?

Very nice. I am a big fan myself.

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It was a Southpark WoW episode reference, but it works for both.

I had this as well on my fireball mage and made it to level 50 with zero life the whole time, only a blue shield over the heath. Then I respeced and lost it and have no idea now how to get it back lol

Mine was actually just Lovecraft, tbh.

After resetting the game the bug/exploit disappeared. I guess it had something to do with entering reaper form while at low hitpoints or something, no clue.