Is there a way to transfer my online character to offline?

I just noticed that my ping is 250-370, desync is unbearable. But I already killed Lagoon and I don’t want to relevel :frowning: I like the character

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I’m happy to be corrected but as far as I know it’s not possible. The save data for the online character is stored online, unlike offline characters where the data is stored locally.

I know swapping from offline to online isn’t possible, but the idea of a one-time transfer from online to offline would be neat, or to allow you to sync your online characters to offline without it being the other way around so you can goof around with your builds would be neat, but I doubt it’s up there in their priorities currently.


oh well, I guess I’ll have to relevel then. Thanks for replies :slight_smile:

This is pretty silly… I get that they might not want offline characters moved online, but agree with Nevieth that the inability to do the converse makes no sense. Like the OP I am stuck with insane boss lag, do not want to play online anymore, nor do I want to reroll. Guess that’s me done then.

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This will more than likely never happen. From what iv seen EHG say about this.

Ill he surprised if they ever allow online chars to transfer to offline.

Before 0.9 MP update all chars were saved locally.

I haven’t seen EHG say anything about this. Offline to online, sure. That will never happen. Online to offline shouldn’t be an issue as long as it’s a one way trip. Shouldn’t be that hard to implement either, though it wouldn’t be anywhere near the top of priorities.

Make sure the game didn’t switch your server. I once had an issue with huge pings as well and the game had switched my server from EU to US without my knowledge. Once I switched back, it was ok.


Transfer to offline would be a nice thing. For those that will main offline. I can see why one would want this future.

I could careless if it happens. Ill be playing online cycles.

I could be wrong or miss remembering. I think mike said something aboit this in a live stream awhile back.

Im no coder but wouldnt EHG need to make sire u cant some how dupe a once online character from getting back into online play. Which would cause issues with duped/edited characters in online play.

Didnt d2 have an issue like this. Or am i thinking of open bnet? Been to damn long sence i played the OG

Since offline characters will never be transfered to online play, there isn’t a chance of this happening.

I don’t remember D2 having this issue ever. D2 system was/is the same as LE now: local characters are local and online ones are online and there is no transfer between them (though you can always just edit your offline character to be the same as online)


I hope they do this some day.

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So, now that LE launched, can it be done? Can we gain the ability to transfer/change Online characters into Offline now?


Im thinking about it all the time. Why they dont do this?

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I’d like this as well seeing that fixing online is going poorly.

I’ll add to the pile - I’d like this too. I don’t mind if I can’t transfer the progress back, I just want to be able to play the character I started online on a plane or train etc.

It really seems like an easy to implement QoL feature. It poses no issue to the online integrity whatsoever. Hopefully they choose to do so.
If the servers don’t store anything about offline characters, it shouldn’t even be a problem if you want to copy your character multiple times and overwrite the offline version if you want to…

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Would really like this! A character transfer from Online to Offline. One way only.
And lets you resync Online chars back to Offline only.

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Save editor, create whatever you’d like.

So you want to be able to upload your (edited) save file back to the secure online servers when you’re done (giving it the BIS 4LP legendaries) playing with it?

Of course not. Just allow people to export from Online to offline. One way only.

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That’s not what you said though. You said that you also wanted to be able to re-sync your offline character back to the online character & that’s where the issue lies for the reasons I gave.