Is There A Way to Make Elemental Nova Not Suck?

By far my favorite spell in the game, and I’ve tried so many times to make it viable, but it’s just so frickin’ bad. Anyone have a build idea where it’s the primary skill and doesn’t just get you wrecked?

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I haven’t tried it yet, but I’ve seen a build where your proc it a lot with frost claws. I’ve also been eyeing it as a potential option to use the Celestial Doom Staff for an easy way to cast 3 different elemental spells on one button, although I hadn’t really put in the effort to optimize it before I moved on to something else for now. I’ll probably come back to it later.

That’s just another build that procs EN. I know I didn’t specify in my OP, I’ll edit it, but I was hoping for a way to make it worth using as your primary skill, you know? I appreciate the suggestion though.

All kinds of ways to make elemental nova shine but also… you won’t be able to see any boss dynamic on the ground or any overall baddie cue on the ground at all. For each step you take into the power of elemental nova, you will become clueless in knowing what is actually going on around you. That’s why most of us don’t even with elemental nova anymore.

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Something I’ve been thinking about: Crest of Unity + Dual Liath’s signet’s for channeled Ele Nova could be nice, add in Frostbite shackles to synergize with overcapped cold res. Runemaster makes most sense IMO and go for armor + ward stacking with the runic fortress node and ward gen in Ele nova skill tree. Soulfire relic would be really good if you could find a way to self-ignite. Urzil’s pride should help manage mana regen due to all the overcapped lightning res and maybe lategame if you can sustain the regen with affixes, replace it for the Null portent chest for a substantial defense boost. RI could be Reowyn’s Frostguard but that has been neutered so badly idk if its still worth. Flame rush seems good for mobility as its also channeled(though Teleport’s armor buff and resists is also very tempting). Flame ward is def a must have. Not sure for last skill.

Main problems I forsee:
Liath’s are pretty bad aside from the ele res(30% chance for ward when you get hit sucks ass).
1% pen per 10% overcap is also very poor scaling (IMO it should atleast be 1% per 5% overcap EHG pls and limit it to direct casts if worried about frost claw proc).
Game is really not meant for standing still and channelling anymore. Look at the new boss fight 10 different DoT abilities that can all overlap and fully cover the screen.
You’re also basically kinda melee which also sucks

Play Sorcerer or Runemaster.

  • Get a staff with as high spell damage as possible.
  • Helmet and Body Armor with Spell Damage While Channelling.
  • Get 100% Crit Chance on Nova and stack Crit Multiplier wherever you can.
  • Get a source of Chill, Shock and Ignite (yes all three), easiest source is Circle of Elements passive in Runemaster tree (available to Sorcerer too).
  • Get as many +skills as you can for Ele Nova.

Ele Nova
Shatter Nova, Arcana Elementorum and Glacial Might are must-have nodes for Ele Nova damage. Charged Destruction for crit cap. Luminaire for conversion to Channeling.

That’s not really true.
You’re used to seeing the bugged Frost Claw proc Nova build, which did the large aoe explosion of Nova that’s supposed to have a cooldown, and Frost Claw ignored the cooldown in 1.0, with the result being circles spam all over your screen.

This is how an actual Nova looks like:

You can easily tell what’s going on around you.

I’m pretty sure a basic ring with 8 INT and 60% Spell Damage beats it in terms of damage and doesn’t require unique helmet :rofl:

The res overcap should also help ward retention from Frostbite shackles and mana regen from Urzil’s pride. But I agree that for damage it sucks (1% pen per 10% overcap is garbage).

Not within the aoe of the nova you can’t. And if the novas are large & proccing all over the screen its going to be much harder.

I tried Frost Claw proccing Ele Nova a few days ago & you do still get a lot of graphical effects all over the screen.

Yes, you can see things even within the aoe of the nova.

Good thing this topic isn’t about proccing Ele Nova then:

I take a slightly different approach. If you can see through Ele Nova, you’re not casting it fast enough. Plus, IMO, with all the gfx settings turned up, it’s very difficult to see stuff going on on the floor.


The reason I couldn’t see anything was that I was using the unique made for elemental nova which increases it’s area and ensures all elements are being procced. So basically your screen shot X 10.

But thanks for trying to tell me what is actually going on. Seriously, I don’t need things my eyes see mansplained.

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That screenshot is with the unique in question.

Enjoy your time being offended I guess?

Still can’t see anything inside the AoE…

I believe you already told me your opinion in your previous post. Re-stating it won’t change my opinion though.

Apparently that’s not how forums work, so I thought I’d give it a go…