Is the ingame dps tooltip working correctly? Got 2 weapons which give similar dps tooltip but one is obvious stronger or?

I have found 2 weapons for my lightning based smite skill:

Smite has as tag: Lightning, Spell, Attunement

Those are the weapons:

Now one has 164% spell damage and 64% lightning damage
The other one has 39% lightning damage

The dps tooltip for the first weapon is 17.545
The dps tooltip for the second weapon is 17.798

So the weapon with like 3x less damage has more dps?
I don´t understand this at all, anyone can explain this why the one hand is better?

Is that some sort of Path of Exile tooltip which you basically can ignore and have to do tests on the dummy to figure it out? :sweat_smile:

It’s reasonable but I suspect the main difference is the significantly higher adaptive spell damage on the second weapon. How impactful the increased damage on the first weapon depends on how much % increased damage you have elsewhere.

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Interesting, thanks. I guess I need to value base damage more, but the math would be interesting. I got 219% increased dmg from other sources based on the talent planer where I imported my character. I would think that almost doubling that would have more impact even with lower spell dmg on the weapon, but since I can wear an offhand with the 1hand I got even more out of it. Was just curious in general which item stats I should value more.

Can you link the build planner? I’m going to bed shortly but could have a look in the morning if no-one else does.

I´m pretty new and that´s my actually first working build after a couple of failed ones. So any help how I can improve it further is appreciated. Gear is what I found so far, just started monolith and having a blast. Thanks for any help :slightly_smiling_face:

Btw, the setup is a bit changed. With the 1h and an offhand I get around 26k tooltip dps, but neither the less only 1h compared to 2h as above mentioned would be interesting to know why the 1h is valued more. I keep looking for more adaptive spell dmg weapons (there aren´t any with spell lightning dmg or? only cold)

Adaptive damage is considered flat damage - it is going to trump increased damage.

You will eventually get to a point where you will only use one type of weapon that has the correct implicits for your character.

Guides:Beginner Guide - Official Last Epoch Wiki (scroll to “Base and Added Damage”)

I had a very quick look & I’m not sure how correct that is. All non-base skill damage is concidered added damage & gets modified by the added damage effectiveness.

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