There’s a an issue about the alt friendly thing here:
One thing is if the game should be more alt friendly, and the other is how much alt friendly really is.
I’m on the opinion that raising alt characters is not too annoying, but also we could see some consideration for the future.
I am the type of player that plays one and maybe two classes on a season, but others love to have four or more characters and rotate between them. The moment you start your third-fourth and you need to do ALL the progress again, the game could become a bit of a chore.
Currently you rush the campaign, and right side of the monos to unlock empowered ASAP. Would be nice is some things are already done because you did them on your first character, so you have more freedom in how you level up your character: maybe someone wants to do arenas to level them up, others, with friends carrying them over echoes, or maybe dungeons…
Would be great if you are “forced” to play the campaign up to a point, then the game opens up, because some progress is tied to the account, and was already done with other character.
Gear and shards as out of my consideration, almost all ARPGs will give you access to a centralized storage by default.
Also specific modes and challenges (ssf, solo account found) are out.
You can go into the monos quite early and finishing the campaign completely is not required, that’s the only consideration I see towards leveling more than one character, but I doubt if that is intentional, of is just a product of the ongoing development.
What else we have? a few uniques that are fairly strong as you can equip them early, and the falcon chest and other low levels that can help speed up the process a bit, but there are no great leveling uniques to rely on…