Is the game alt friendly?

Because that’s the game.

I’m a casual player, couple hours a day max and this isn’t my only game. So your argument over time investment is an argument for me, and I’m telling you that you are wrong. The reason you are wrong is entirely a perspective issue.

What you want is a shortcut to playing the game. This just doesn’t make sense, this is why you are here. To play. To progress. To build a character. If they give you the option to just start a lvl 60 character with base gear… you missed a lot of experience with that character. And honestly we are really exaggerating the time spent getting to lvl 60 too. Even for a casual that’s just a couple days.

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The new character may not be able to do high corruption monos but sure as hell can do lvl 90 or 100 monos once you finish the campaign. I’m on my first playthrough currently doing the lvl 90 monos and have been oneshotting every mob since before I was lvl 60 with almost no advances on gear. I have some magic blue swords with lvl 64 requiremente I crafted meelee attack speed and melee fire damage, they don’t even have tier 5 mods. Currently normal monos are too easy and don’t feel rewarding enough for me to care about them. There is no gear progression, when I go from one mono to the other there is no new difficulty that forces me to upgrade my stuff nor there are the completion rewards much better, everything other than the timeline boss and the corruption guy dies in one hit.
This is my first character and this normal monos already feel like something I just want to get over with so I can unlock the harder and rewarding content I want to play. If it were up to me I would already be trying harder difficulties but I am forced to do all the monos before. On a second character with better gear I could probably be tackling higher monos even earlier. So it makes sense for people to want mono progression to be shared or for some catch up mechanic to exist where you get double or triple timeline stability for monolith you have already completed on your alt.

If your goal for your alt-characters is to rush through the campaign as quickly as possible in order to to get to the monoliths, then LE probably isn’t alt-friendly. There are a couple of small optional skips built into the campaign but that’s about it.

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There’s a an issue about the alt friendly thing here:

One thing is if the game should be more alt friendly, and the other is how much alt friendly really is.

I’m on the opinion that raising alt characters is not too annoying, but also we could see some consideration for the future.

I am the type of player that plays one and maybe two classes on a season, but others love to have four or more characters and rotate between them. The moment you start your third-fourth and you need to do ALL the progress again, the game could become a bit of a chore.

Currently you rush the campaign, and right side of the monos to unlock empowered ASAP. Would be nice is some things are already done because you did them on your first character, so you have more freedom in how you level up your character: maybe someone wants to do arenas to level them up, others, with friends carrying them over echoes, or maybe dungeons…

Would be great if you are “forced” to play the campaign up to a point, then the game opens up, because some progress is tied to the account, and was already done with other character.

Gear and shards as out of my consideration, almost all ARPGs will give you access to a centralized storage by default.

Also specific modes and challenges (ssf, solo account found) are out.

You can go into the monos quite early and finishing the campaign completely is not required, that’s the only consideration I see towards leveling more than one character, but I doubt if that is intentional, of is just a product of the ongoing development.

What else we have? a few uniques that are fairly strong as you can equip them early, and the falcon chest and other low levels that can help speed up the process a bit, but there are no great leveling uniques to rely on…

Imagine telling someone else their opinion is wrong because you value your real life time less than myself or other players who expressed the same opinion regarding empowered monoliths on alts.

“because that’s the game”
Yes, it is, atm. And it’s a game still in beta and we’re beta testing and giving our feedback as people who bought the game already.

Don’t tell me my opinion is wrong. You don’t have to agree with it but the audacity to tell me or other people here they’re wrong because you feel like you have enough time to play several alts.


I feel the game is pretty alt friendly for an aRPG without ruining the integrity of their game (D3) or making leveling a new char pretty unpleasant (PoE) even with twink gear, infact I really enjoy leveling in LE even with nothing compared to PoE’s stunlock bs in early acts

  • There are various uniques from level 1/early level that are decent - Hammer of Lorent / Firestarter Torch / Bee Gloves / Calamity helmet / Bleeding Heart / Gamblers and the leech gloves forget the name
  • Idols have no level requirement
  • You can always have the highest tier of Melee Phys+ or Spell damage% by crafting up to your level everytime so you always can have good weapons
  • You only have to go and complete Heoborea to go monolithing which imo is actually really nice

it is not alt friendy, the opposite. You need to redo everything from 0. nothing is shared exept items. For every other mastery alt you want to have it`s just a waste of 10 hours till u get it to 100. if u like to waste time, it is alt friendly, if not, then just play 1 char and deal with it

Probably the most alt friendly gave i have ever played. i keep starting new toons again and again, you can give them your cool leveling uniques / use keys to skip acts and nearly go straight to endgame within few hours.

When you need to redo everything from 0 why do you create an alt?

I create an alt because I want to try out new skill mechanics. So leveling is learning how different skills als working. Play around with new possiblities.

I am suspecting many players wanting a lvl 80 rdy2skill toon just found the newest #-Tier skillguide and want to apply it NOW.

This will lead to two game styles: a) PoE - a game with some “experts” and a crowd copying build-xyz. b) D4 a game as simple as possible.

So I am voting for a game which is “forcing” you to learn your new class.

Its alt friendly if you want to play legacy. I have 2 legacy characters. I was lazy to craft and find gear on second one and because i collect items like uniques without lp with low lvl i equip that on alt. Not even that. On my main im able to drop much more golds and items for alt.
Because shared stash,material,golds im able to full equip alt.
My alt use bazaar and my main CoF and i dont have any problem with gearing up alt.

maybe too alt friendly. I think I’m missing out on a lot of the core gameplay experiences various classes have because I just twink them with bad 3-4 LP items, lol.