Is the choice of endgame content just personal preference or do the rewards differ too?

Bought the game recently and I’m quite enjoying progressing through echoes and quest echoes, feels like my character is slowly getting stronger in terms of both levels and gear which is nice.

As far as I understand I also have the choice of doing arena or dungeons, and I’ve collected a fair few keys for these by accident, but what I’m not sure about is the incentive behind these. Do they offer different loot or is it just an alternative mechanic that people can choose to do? Thanks in advance for any insight :slight_smile:

Arena is mainly to climb ladder, it doesn’t provide any good rewards except a few arena exclusive uniques.
Each dungeon has special mechanic and reward, check this out

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Basically, monos are for farming, dungeons are for crafting legendaries, sinking gold and gambling. Arenas are another type of endgame activity but they don’t seem as rewarding as monos for pretty much anything, other than leaderboards.

Eventually we’ll have more endgame mechanics to play with, but for now it’s mostly monos. They’re the ones that allow you to farm and level up more effectively. Dungeons have niche uses (as in, for achieving specific goals) but are hampered by the fact that you need keys for them and that you only get one attempt per key. Once you die, you have to start over with another key. Though maybe this will change in the future, hopefully.

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Awesome! Thanks for the link to the guide. Guess I will hit the dungeons today.

Thank you Iogann and DJSamhein, I don’t think I’m quite at the legendary crafting stage yet but it’s good to know my dungeon keys will come in handy at some point!

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It should also be noted that the arena keys can be sold for quite some gold. So if you don’t plan on using them, this can be a source of gold income.

I would however suggest keeping at least some as you might want to farm the Arena bosses for their specific uniques at some point.

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