Is it serious to take over 100 runs to conquer just 1 monolith now?!

You need to kill the shade multiple times to speed it up. i kill him 3 times a run - heres some pics

second one i made an error and killed orobyss which lowered corruption, first pic is after the rahyeh kill and second is prior to lagon…who i cannot kill due to game crashing on death currently

Thats what Synthesis League had of POE.
I bring that up since this system looks similar. It is only less flexible then the POE one and different in its approach of progressing.
In poe you just had 1 web and could expand with tiles that you could gather. That was really cool. You even had bosses on the web.

I have to agree that progression feels incredibly slow, even with a few Shade kills.

I think that some of this is related to the sheer number of different monoliths that we have now. I feel like that volume fit the old system well but doesn’t fit the new system quite as nicely. In my head I’m multiplying the time it takes times the number of monoliths we have now.

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Also times the number of alts you’d like to try.

Its absolutely horrible, I was already bored with the game before 8.2, after 8.2 I dont even wan to play at all.

My main is lv100 and all the characters I play are in empowered timelines, I have no desire to spend 2 days on a timeline when theres a 99% chance im not even going to get the blessing I want or get it at its lowest possible value.

Between this and the broken wengari spires and moon spires I just dont even feel like bothering. Alot of this positive feedback are from all the people running white maps still, when they get to the empowered versions im sure their tune will change.

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Between this and the broken wengari spires and moon spires I just dont even feel like bothering.

Wengari Spires are doing way more damage than intended and already has been corrected internally. This is the first time I am hearing about Moon Spire, is it also hitting harder than other spires?

I think everyone is jumping the gun a little bit with these changes. Yes, they are more grindy, but the game is being developed in a way that will support it long-term. When LE finally implements their seasonal model, they want the game to be PLAYABLE for the entire length of the season or league, which will be several months long. If everyone has the ability to progress through the entire monolith in just a few days, they’re going to dump the game in a week or two after a new league releases. People need goals to work towards. The best model IMO is a lot of short-term goals, some grindy medium-tier goals, and a choice few long-term ultra grindy goals. I am hoping that EHG takes this kind of approach when it comes to the final product so that people who are dedicated enough won’t get bored, but it also leaves casual players feeling like they can still progress. This is kind of a sweet spot that is ultra-hard to achieve, and I feel like right now we are looking at just 1 piece of the puzzle that will be the eventually finished end game of LE.

I’m not sure where I stand on the new monolith, but my advice is to give it some time. The monolith questline should take a few weeks or more of casual play to complete, it shouldn’t be done in a few days. It should be an investment, otherwise, there are zero reasons to stick around. I have a pretty big problem with this “Everything should be accessible and I deserve x” sentiment when it comes to games nowadays. When it comes to grindy ARPGs, you have to be prepared to not see some content or to not achieve a full build without some dedication. Casual 3-5 hours a week players should not be progressing to the end of the end game questline quickly, because if it’s that easy to progress then the 30+ hours a week players are just going to get bored.

There is a sweet spot, I don’t think the current state of the monolith is it, but give it a chance and see how it feels in a few weeks.


As you said the Wengari do WAAAAY too much damage, plus that obnoxious extra shrapnel blast after you move out of the ground circle is just silly but my issue with the moon spires is their rate of fire.

Moon spires have ground circles on my maps every 2-3 seconds, I cant even open my inventory and to make matters worse I main a channeled build so it just ruins gameplay for me.

Overall im just really dissapointed with the patch, it just became dramatically more grindy and I now have even worse crafting RNG. 307 hours played and I go 6-7 rl days between a new gear piece.

If I get 3 Moon Spires I get massive frame drops every few seconds which is worse than any damage. Cant even look at your skill tree/inventory or do anything for a moment with triple spires hitting you - I level’d from picking up books last night, entered a new monolith and walked 1 step, Pressed P to put a point on and died immediately as I didnt realise 3 Wengari spires were about to drop 2k damage on me - I dont feel its balanced 1 spire is more dangerous than Orobyss

Also the biggest issue in relating to monolith progression if you had a character that was up to 20 monoliths and 2 quests done, after the patch you got reset back to 0 progression with both quests still done with the game remembering how many monoliths you cleared before this stability even came in.

I think it took 54 echoes to clear a single level 90 zone which was 20+34

Feels like you encounter Sirus in PoE more than a single timeline boss in this game now

The only goal to work towards is blessing farming and due to the way they are also designed theres only a few you even want to do, I dont care about finding more belt shards so I will never do the Void timeline with Hargon which I cant even remember the name as theres no reason to know it

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  1. Getting upgrades needs to be this difficult because when trading is introduced, access to upgrades will be WAY easier

  2. At 300 hours played do you expect you should still be getting upgrades quickly? When I hit 300 hours played in a PoE league I am pretty much only getting upgrades through trading and it’s like a massive cost per piece.

I think the curve is a little too harsh but pretty close to how it should be if you take into account the future of the game and how trading will impact it

Nope, spires are fine.

I started playing LE little before the POE Ultimatum and just came back to the game. Still confused about the progression, but i´m so over level for the map area to get de instability to complete on the bar, feel like they could make a better progression over this. I can only imagine the people that are trying to farm this. Feedback are importante, so i suggest to keep it up. Next week i will probably play alot more and i´ll be able to provide a good feedback,

Imho with introducing all the new stuff it’s ok to have it the current way. I’d rather have a longer progression phase than being through everything after 3 days.

Time will tell if this is too long and there might be adjustments in the future.

But give it time. Let us discover the best methods to farm items and blessings. And keep in mind that this is the main endgame activity that has the intention to make people keep on playing.

If people are disencouraged because the monos take too long to complete, is this an issue with the length of the mono or the content you are running?

I think, if the echo types would be more diverse it would also not “feel” too long.

But besides this I’d wish that my chars would share the mono progress. If I level a twink and give him my already farmed gear he is overpowered for the early timelines. Would be cool if I then could just go on where I want as I already got through all of it with another char. If I’m missing blessings then, it’s my own choice. But it would be also my own choice in what order I can do the timelines.

Keep in mind a big reason many of us are upset with the time a timeline takes now is because it takes us on average 10 runs of that timeline to get the blessing we need, let alone in a decent roll.

So its pretty unrealistic to expect us to now run these over and over in this state. Now if you want to change the monoliths to this format then change the way blessings are rewarded in conjunction at the same time id be fine.

Gl running the 90/100 empowered versions for 110 hours now for the blessings you want though…


I 100% agree with your analysis. The new way how Monolith works is totaly disenchanting.

We have to play more than 3 hours to complete 1 Monolith and unlock the blessing. If the blessing is not what we need, we have do it again, and again… until finaly getting the wished blessing.

This new Monolith make me to stop game whereas i haved 400 hours. This make me sad…

I agree. I am less likely to play. It takes way too long. I have no all but gievn up on the Wings of Argentus farming i was doing. There is no way in hell im going to spend this time to farm for it. The first night of the patch I had mostly checked out of the game. Needs more thought in my opinion.

Is beating a mono timeline this much longer now than before?

I’ve to admit that I did not pay that much attention to the length in comparison to pre patch.

For me the target farming of echo rewards is leading to a much better gear progression. With unique and set and exalted rewards I got a real boost, even for characters I already played a lot in high monos pre patch. They get significant gear upgrades.

This cought my attention more so a maybe longer timeline playthrough I did not recognize that much.

I like that theres a steady progress towards the quest echoes without rng. The first 2-3 timelines are also faster in comparison to pre patch. This somehow changes into the opposite for the later timelines.

This is a good point. Do you have a specific idea how to change it?

From what I saw, regular timelines are about the same as before.
For empowered timelines I can’t say, I did not try them since patch day.

It is much longer to complete a mono…and you just cant go straight to finish as you will hit the end of that line…VERY INTERESTING the stability mono completion has been lowered. It is now 1000 for the empowered one I have been slogging through

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