Is it better to farm specific unique gear at lower corruption levels?

Seems like a huge drop in mad alchemist ladles, boneclamer helms, and Maehlins gloves as I progress through 300-400 corruption. I know the common reply is it’s just RNG, but G’ damn this is getting upsetting.

TheHeavy posted a guide for farming:

The idea is to push higher corruption (I wouldn’t go beyond 600c) without sacrificing your clear time. That sometimes means not farming at the max corruption your character can handle.

The next thing aside from specific playstyle of farming outlined by TheHeavy is just keeping up morale/novelty while doing this long process which I do somethings to help with the long farming times.

  1. Farm multiple things at once:
    Farming for just one thing is going to get really disappointing fast. If possible see if there is something else in that monolith timeline that you’d like to farm as well. If your hunting for multiple things then its like getting more shots at spinning the wheel.

Make sure you’re using runes of ascendance as well. That’s just more lottery tickets for the RNG game.

  1. Take Breaks
    Stop farming if you’re getting really burnt out. This is a game and not work so if its wearing you down then either play an Alt or do something else and come back to it later.

  2. Make A Log of Drops
    This is something that helps me do something with all the failed drops. You can make a stash tab if you want or you can just write it down just to see what you’re getting.
    I’ve gotten a lot of drops that are “rare” that my build doesn’t use but its nice to know that its a rare drop.

Here’s me counting how many times I got Last Steps before I hit an LP2. Just for amusement and educational purposes lol

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