Is Gathering Storm the only way to gain Storm Stacks?

Is Gathering Storm the only way to gain Storm Stacks?
I see Tempest strike can expend them, but does that mean I need to run both?
Or is there some other way they can be generated?

I’ve been messing with Shaman since 1.0 dropped. There is an idol affix: Chance to Gain Additional Storm Stack - Item Prefixes - Last Epoch Item Database. But that just adds a faster way to get them with GS.

It’s possible we might see some items added in the next cycle.

Other than that, yup, that’s it. I’ve been hell bent on trying to get a working Gathering Storm/Tempest Strike build going. So far it’s not been going well into Empowered monos.


But I’m going to keep tinkering.

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Thanks for answering I looked over all the skills, just wanted to make sure I did not miss it.

I don’t use tempest strike but would like to…but if I have to run both then I will stick with Gathering Storm.
Right now I run Warcry, Storm Crows, Tornado and Earthquake, and Gathering Storm.
I am however a Beastmaster and at some point would like to go back to more pets. It’s just this setup is pretty effective.
Working my way up to empowered monoliths still.

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