Is bee rogue viable?

Iv’e always loved the idea of a bee rogue using 2x ‘28% Chance to Summon a Bee with Acid Flask’ idols. With the addition of Falconer, now seems like the right time. I grabbed all the relevant gear and skills but it seems pretty rough. Is there any way to make the build viable?

Julra’s gloves would probably be better but kinda thematically dissapointing.
Bloodkeeper’s Nest looks like the strongest way to buff bees but no criticals is pretty bad.

is it over bee bros?

So in the case of Bloodkeeper’s Nest, you would want to focus on something besides big crits. I would say a bleed or poison build would work great. I like the idea of a poison build as it goes very well with the theme but even a blood build could fit in with it as well.

These work well as they are “on hit” effects so the lack of crits doesn’t really hamper you too much.

I could see a bee rogue with the new falconer tree being very good since there is more minion support on the tree, though there still isn’t a ton of direct minion damage that isn’t specified towards the bird itself. But I’d say it can at least get to and clear lower-monos just fine and be a very fun build to do minor investments in

Not sure that it’s viable, but explosive traps can be specced to throw acid flask as well. Can’t really get the traps to convert to bleeding or poison so not sure it’s worth it, but it’s an option.

this is an aspirational build planner i have: Falconer, level 100 (Release / 1.0.0x) - Last Epoch Build Planner

you throw your decoy which would summon bees
you throw acid flasks to summon more bees
you use smoke bomb to spawn shadows that will use acid flask as well to summon even more bees

mana shouldn’t be a problem because of the unique chest + experimental affix on belt. you can also drop the chest to have a more defensive option. you can also drop shift for ballista to have more damage and to have more mana sustain due to its “care package” node that drops potions.

you can also change the gloves to julra’s obsession with attack speed or frostbite shackles for ward retention.

it should be quite tanky with dex stacking but the build shines on single target since stacking ignite would be your main source of damage. we will also be having minion affixes (specifically minion damage penetration) that should probably help the damage of the build

then again, this is just a theorycraft and hopefully we get more good stuff on 1.0 release.

bonus here’s a 200 corruption orobyss kill using somewhat a similar build/idea: bees vs uwubyss

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