Is anybody else feeling underwhelmed by the 1.1 cycle annoucnment?

Why would you waste your egg on low level uniques when getting 3-4LP on them is already easy enough to farm? 4LP torch was already easy to get. You don’t need the egg for that.

What you’re proposing sounds like trying to use divines on random yellow leveling trash in PoE.

I do not get it. If someone wants to play builds that can run 2000 corruption, why not let those players do that? And if someone thinks it’s too cheesy, he can leave it alone. If someone is looking for a challenge, he can play Forge Guard. Strangely enough, hardly anyone played Forge Guard. What were the most played specs in 1.0?
Maybe this is a little guidance as to what the majority of players want. And if you don’t want to be part of the crowd, just play a different spec.
Why does it bother me whether a Warlock can do 2000 or 3000 corruption, when I’m having fun with my class and my spec?

I have played at 2k and there are a few issues:

  • building up from 100 to 2k is a tedious process, a grind that shouldn’t be there - people have asked for speeding that up but in reality it’s probably better to cap out progression earlier.
  • the gameplay loop in monos doesn’t change from 100 to 2k, but due to the scaling you outclass the rest of the content which is bad
  • playing at 2k grants vastly more of everything compared to 300c and that disparity between builds is unhealthy. There will always be better builds but the gap is too big imo

Unrelated to your post, but the discussion in general, I find it annoying how everyone tries to speak for “most players”. Speak for yourselves guys :wink:


Forge Guard can go to thousands of corruption too :wink: Great example of how misinformation is getting circulated around LE.

I didn’t write that the FG couldn’t do that. I wrote that it’s not that easy with the FG. Great example of either not understanding what someone wrote or desperately wanting to interpret something into it.

Let me rephrase my reply for you then, so you stop assuming silly things.

Forge Guard can go to thousands of corruption just as easily as the other classes. Forge Guard isn’t a challenging class. People who think Forge Guard is challenging are spreading misinformation around LE.

Hope this helps.

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And you also believe that your opinion is the one given by God.
It’s just strange that the FG was hardly played compared to other classes. How does that happen? Maybe because they have not come across your divine opinion.
I wrote that it’s not that easy with the FG. Not as easy as it was with a Falconer or Warlock, who were absolutely OP. FG wasn’t OP so it’s also more challenging.
But what the hell, why should I bother with you? Have your opinion and be happy. You’re the kind of guy who wants to be right under all circumstances. And before I waste any more time with you, let’s leave it at that.

I’m not exactly sure how to feel about it yet. It feels like the game needs stuff to arrive at a faster pace. Definitely feels incomplete and I’m not sure this patch is going to fix that. It feels like we got 2/3 of a game for the 1.0 launch… and this is just adding another 1/12th of what’s needed to finish it, at best… We still need the other 3/12ths that’ll come either at or after 1.4. Idk… Hoping for the best, but not expecting a lot tbh.

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I’m a person who dispels false info in the circles I exist in. That usually comes with stating factually correct info, so yes, as a result of that I am very often right :slight_smile:

However, I only stated here that playing FG isn’t challenging, and that it is a misinformation that’s being circled around.

I’m not sure what made you assume that I didn’t read your post, or why do you think what you wrote in your last reply. But it almost sounds like

So feel free to “not waste any more time” with me :smirk:

I haven’t seen any official statistics about class distribution, so that’s that for saying FG was hardly played compared to other classes. Perhaps you have a source for that information.

But I don’t think it’s very hard to understand why some classes were played more and some less. Warlock and Falconer were completely new additions. Runemaster was quite recent too. And would you look at that, according to the the The first 30 days of 1.0, the highest percentages of players played Acolyte (31%), Rogue (26%) and Mage (17%) :slight_smile:

Oneshotting Shade of Orobyss looks pretty OP to me.

You know what it is underwhelming ? The bazar changes aren’t even coming at 1.1
EHG actually wants to release the changes after 1.1 on 9th.
What they smoke cause MG is the most active at league start and poe in 2 weeks. Guess the ex-wow dev needs more then 5 months to fix bazar and let ppl search by min max. Just my biggest disappointment in the league. Also enjoy the 1.1 ward meta btw cause life still sucks.

You really make a lot of judgements about me specifically in all of your responses to me, when I’m speaking about a larger general player base.

From my testing i seen no difference in drop rates for lp above 330ish corruption. But for gold, and MG the difference is massive as you need millions of gold to buy certain items.

Why would I care about the progress of streamers or anyone else? I don’t understand that point of view. I play for fun and I don’t care what time I start playing it. I’m not going to make money professionally by going faster in the game. I have enough stress in this life. I’m not going to allow a game to cause me even more stress. However, we all have our particular tastes and preferences…

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Well, I’ll tell you that the reason I don’t understand that point of view is that I have accomplished real things in my real life, and therefore have no need to use my leisure activity as a way to get the same feeling.

Whether or not that’s intended to be a commentary, I leave you to decide.

I played forge guard. Can it work? Maybe with 1 out of all the play styles it has unlike other classes which have 3-4 options to make it easily, while others like runemaster can clear corruption just by breathing.

Forge guard, works above 300c by abusing retalition, ward, endurance, parry. From my memory it js the slowest to clear bossess (some cases 20+ min per clear). Goal is to spin to win with warpath, while having ring of shields up, proccing your healing spells.

For bosses using shield attacks to gurantee blocks when needed. This version can easy clear corruption, but so can any other class. Forge guard just does it a lot better

Edit: 3 some reason changes where not saved

The planner that was there before your edits was indeed terrible :smiley:
PS: this new build is mostly the same though? If your idea of a build is to put Damage Reflect on a Damage Reflect unique shield and call it a day, then boy do I have bad news for you.

Either way, Forge Guard also has multiple builds to play. I don’t know where you got the idea that only 1 build out of all the playstyles works.

Didn’t even to search for long to disprove what you said.


Forge guard running void is like a warlock speccing for Abomination. Not sure it counts

Ye i fat fingered dex for strength. New build is correct. Forgot it scaled with strength. Otherwise the build deflects close to 4K? Per second when hit while taking almost 0 damage.

Why wouldn’t it count? Lots of times the best way to create a different archetype to your mastery is to dip into another.