
I know there are 3 Rune type under invocation -Ran, Gon and Heo. Under these 3 sub type are 40 combination. How to resign to any of these 40 different type .

Thanks with Regards,

Not exactly sure what you’re asking. Auto correct might have changed it.

But if you’re asking how to tell which invocation you currently have, then there is an icon hovering right next to your health bar. When you have an active rune it will appear. Hover your mouse over it and you’ll see what it actually is.

Thanks, i see the invocation rune skill I using in game. It’s “Aergon’s Mirror Bolt”.
What I like to know is how to change it to “Trinity of Element” or " Antipode of Mesembria" or any one of the 40 rune skill . Sorry English is not my 1st langauge so it might seem diffcult to understand.


Oh I see now.

It changes based on the last elemental type skills used up to three runes. So if you use 3 fire skills in a row your invocation would be the 3 fire rune skill. If you use fire, lightning, then ice, in that order, then it would be the invocation that relates to that order of runes. And it doesn’t have to be 3 runes. You could just cast a lightning skill and you will have one lighting rune which is its own different ability.

So rune master has this little mini game being played if using invocation.

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Understand how it work now. Thanks a million.

99% runemasters spec into Immutable Order and set the skill bar to the desired Invocation (cold-fire-cold is most meta).

Thanks for the Info. Appreciate it .

If you spec into that though don’t you also have to spec into the point that turns invocation into a like 12 second cool down?

I don’t spec into that other one the depends on your skill bar because I use controller and I set all of my movement/dash skills to L2, buffs to circle, etc. so that one passive breaks my set up. So to me I hate that talent so much. Lol

It has a cooldown, but if you also take Adept Runescribing, it’s not that bad. (shorter cooldown)

Idk about builds spamming invocation for dmg. Most builds I know use invocation for the cold-fire-cold 30% dmg reduction and the buffs. I can’t imagine inputting two-color invocations manually so Immutable is kind of a must.

I was initially excited about invocations, but after trying many options, my interest cooled down. The mandatory cooldown to be able to specify an invocation made me turn away from them mostly. And the invocations that are all-3-same seem less damage per mana compared to many other skills, especially compared to (for instance) Frost Wall. I’m still trying out some of that, but invocations are not impressing me much. It seems like using really good ones requires tons of hand dexterity and timing, which is hard for me at my age.

I was trying to make a fire build where I would cast 3 fireballs or fire frost claws and then use the three fire rune skill. That ability is so satisfying, but unfortunately that build never really worked.

So now I use the cooldown passive and I use the 3 lightning skill invocation since I play the lightning frost claw variant. It does a good chuck of damage against bosses.

Hi hi,

Got a few dumb question here - its about setting up the desire 3 rune.

  1. Do I need to 1st activate Runic Invocation skill , follow by capturing the 3 rune i want.
  2. How to make it Immutable like you mention.

Thanks with Regards

I get what you’re saying, and I agree, but since you brought up frost Wall I just wanted to say that if you gear for DoT, a couple frost walls plus the Cold-Cold-Cold blizzard can tear things apart.

No. First, you have to have Runic Invocation on your skill bar. As long as you do, every time you cast a different spell, its damage type will create a rune (cold, fire or lightning). You can see it over your character and at bottom left corner of the screen. The last three spells you cast will create a rune sequence. Each sequence will result in a different invocation spell when you cast Runic Invocation. You can check what your current sequence does by hovering over the icon at the bottom left corner.

At the bottom center of Runic Invocation skill tree, you have Author of Arcana node that leads to Immutable Order overneath. Make sure you also max out Adept Runescribing to the right (cooldown reduction) as Author of Arcana gives Runic Invocation a hefty cooldown.

As long as you have Immutable Order taken, no matter what skills you cast, the rune sequence will always be the same so you can always cast the same Invocation without worrying about casting skills in an order. The Immutable Order sequence will count the skills on your skillbar from the left. If a skill does not have a damage type (like Teleport or Runic Invocation itself), it’s not counted.

My skillbar looks like this. From the left: Runic Invocation (no type - doesn’t count), Flame Rush (converted to cold - first rune is cold), Flame Ward (second rune is fire), Flash Freeze (third rune is cold). So after 3 skills, no matter which, I always cast cold-fire-cold - Reowyn’s Frostguard. You can view all the invocations here Runic Invocation Invocations - Last Epoch Skills

Other noteworthy invocations are Hydra (lightning-fire-fire) and Plasma Orb (fire-lightning-fire). They have their own dedicated builds.

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So basically the 1st slot must be Runic Invocation. slot that follow 2 - 4 slot placement control how the rune setup - wordless invocation. Correct me if i am wrong.
Greatly appreciate your assistance and patience.

You don’t need the 1st slot to be Runic Invoc; it can be placed anywhere, but since it does not count for Immutable Order (since it lacks an elemental tag), it gets skipped. So if you put Runic Invoc in W slot, the order would be QER if those had skills with elemental tags.

So for instance you could put Runic Invoc in R and use QWE to determine the sequence. Also keep in mind you don’t need to use the skills you put on your bar to set the sequence, or even slot them for skill-leveling. They can just be passive sequencers if you prefer.

Thanks a lot… learning everyday lol.