Introduce yourselves

Yeah… so business as usual, eh?! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

This place will be overrun with a huge amount of people complaining about almost everything at release. This is something we and the EHG team have to face.

Hopefully these things settle down after a while. But I am not going to spend much time on the forums on release.

I am glad you did. It’s nice to read where all of you come from. So many different people from all over the world, united on a ARPG forum. That’s nice!

I am very curious where all the kickstarter backers are gone. In 2018 here were a lot of them posting, but it seems they got overwhelmed by the EA backers since April 2019. :thinking::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


that could’ve been LoRD, or one of the several MUD (multi-user dungeon, the precursor to MMOs) games that were out in the late 90s. LoRD was all about exploring the forest for battles and random events, and trying to marry Violet the bar wench (or Seth Able the bard if you were a female character) while leveling up to the point that you could kill the Red Dragon. then doing it all again. gee i wonder why i love aprgs. :laughing:

i’m sure that’s just an inevitable part of a game growing in popularity. the more people, the more likely some of them will be maladjusted. and like @XLVI_carpo said, we can probably expect a major flood of that kind of poster after release. best we can do is try to cultivate and maintain the general positivity we have. :slight_smile:

maybe they’re just waiting for the game to get closer to release. i was one of those EA backers from april '19 (or thereabouts) and after leveling a couple of characters to the end game i put the game down until the past couple of months. it was so short then! now that the story is fleshed out more, i’m finding it much more engaging and easier to stick with it. i think i’ve leveled 7 characters in the past 3 weeks. :laughing:


It would have been the early 90s (I was at uni in the late 90s & that was Quake on a token ring network with my housemates or D1 & a tiny smidge of Syndicate Wars on the uni computers).

I entirely agree with you there. :slight_smile:


So I googled the translation for “maladjusted” and… yeah, you are right.


yo, names Jake, i’m 30. played video games all my life, started on super nintendo with mario, played lots of n64, graduated to pc gaming in high school when I could afford to buy my own gaming pc, played various pc games over the years. I Mainly played SWTOR as my first serious mmorpg, as a sith sorcerer healer for raids. I got into a bit of d2,d3, then sunk a lot of time during grimdawn beta 2013, and played that a lot until 2018 when I discovered this gem of a game (Last epoch during alpha). My favorite all time video game franchise is castlevania, and i’m a top tier amatuer bowler in my state, where i’m also a certified youth bowling coach through united states bowling congress, where I run various high school bowling teams. looking forward to multiplayer release to potentially play with a lot of you folks.



Rasmus from Denmark here. I’m 47, and startet playing “computers” back in the days of ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64…
My first venture into hack’n’slash/arpg was Gauntlet and Barbarian, and since then I have been playing the diablo, sacred, Titan Quest and Torchlight series, as well as Path of Exile and a few others…
So here I am, new to Last Epoch which I have been following for awhile, and with several thousands of hours in other arpg¨s I feel pretty confident in this game. I LOVE (and I can’t stress this enough!) the skill building of this game, and how I find it to be intuitive and fairly easy to get a feel for.

So i’m here for the long haul, and allthough it might be on-and-off once in awhile, you guys are stuck with me :wink:

oh; Since English is not my native tongue, I do apologize for any misspelling or weird grammar…

I hope to see you out there…



Hello, the name I go by is Jhet; the h is silent, don’t ask me why. I’m 19. I work at a car mechanics place near an epicenter of the coronavirus in California. I live with a couple in an apartment which I just moved into. Life is finally making a turn for the better for me, and this game is walking along with me just nicely. I’m not a fiend I promise.

psst, if there is any hurt souls on here, just know you’re not alone and i think whatever you’re going through is achievable once you look through the lens at a different angle


My name is Annica from Sweden but live in UK since 10 years back, I pushed 55+ and have enjoy Last Epoch since Alpha Series. I play it now and then among other games, been playing computer games last 15 years, World of Warcraft was my first online game :wink: Married to an english men who is a game geek as well :heart:


I wish my wife liked gaming, but she doesn’t, so there we go… My kids all like gaming, but it’s not quite the same…


Yeah I understand, would be so much more fun if you wife liked gaming too, or at least less nagging :laughing:


We have an understanding, I get to game in the evenings on Monday, Friday & Saturday & the other evenings I go & watch tv with her after youngest offspring has been put to bed (the older two get themselves to bed).


Hey everyone.

My name is José, I’m 25 years old and I’m typing from Brazil where I was born and live today.

I’ve played ARPGs since my childhood, actually started in Diablo 2 when I was just 5 or 6 years old. Of course I didn’t get much of the game but it was quite fun and meaningful for my gaming and English skills since yearly days. Those was rough times in the very beginning of internet and games (damn I miss those days)!

I’m playing World of Warcraft and Last Epoch as my main games nowaways, waiting for New World too. Of course as you can imagine, I’ve played many others like LE, like: Diablo series, Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, Torchlight series, and many others.

I am a data and business intelligence analyst for a software company in Curitiba, Brazil. I’m really into technology and data as my profession, but I’m really into many other subjects like stocks investments, calisthenics, reading, digital businesses and of course, gaming.

I’m enjoying the game pretty much so far and hope to help devs to achieve a great success because I can foresee a great game at launch. I’ll contribute as I can to develop another great game for RPG genre!

Hope to see you all in chat game, and once multiplayers launches, hope to play together!


Hey There!

Oldschool player here from Sweden that been playing most pvp, Arpg sense back in C64/Amiga days. I been keeping an eye on Last Epoch for quite some time now and felt that the game reached so far in development now that i would make a shot on it.

I been keeping the hype down for my self to not get to down if the game at current state proves to be another GOD NO!!!

Anyways i figured multiplayer is not yet implanted but hopefully this new adventure will be good enough so we might cross paths in the future.

//Peace out!


Keep ‘em stories comin’.

Really enjoy reading all of this, big shout out to everyone already participated.
Thank you all.

I am really glad being a part of this community, one of the best gaming communities i have ever been part of.

Again thank you all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

EDIT: At this point also, BIG thank you to the whole dev team at EHG, i think i already said this a million times, but i really mean it. Thank you for creating this awesome game and give all of us aRPG fans such a awesome platform here at the forums.

Please @Sarno give everyone a big praise from me, because when i start listing people here i will miss some for sure.


Ok, so I found this topic, and thought I should introduce myself as well.

I’m Ahmed, from Egypt, and I’ve been gaming since first Captain Tsubasa back in the days. I work as Agriculture Engineer in Information Center for Government. But shiny job description aside, I basically do Stats and install Windows on PCs.

I’m kinda late to Last Epoch party, not a supporter, nor old Alpha tester, I just came here couple months ago (late in 0.7.7), but I’ve been stuck, because of obvious reasons. Last Epoch is exactly my ARPG customization dream, it’s offline so I don’t have to battle with our bad internet in Egypt, it’s still solo, so it’s not balanced around trade, and it then have everything best ARPG can ever have, and improving… It also still fairly new and doesn’t have “Meta builds” , so there are still so many builds to be made, and combinations to be tested.

So I’m here to have fun, try builds, and make guides, and I hope I don’t bore you!


“Hi, my name is Albert and I am a gameaholic”.

… Sorry, wrong session …

I’m a 54 year old ex-programmer (1983-2004) and long-term gamer. They’ll have to prise the keyboard and mouse from my cold, dead hands.

Currently working in healthcare looking after Autistic adults.

My name “Madriax” means “Heaven”. I’ll leave that for others to research further.

From D&D in the mid 70’s through Pools of Radiance on the Amiga 500 in the 80’s … via Balders Gate & other D&D to D1 and D2. Played D2 for way too long … a lot of days muling :confused:

Stopped D2 to play WoW at launch and was raid leading through Burning Crusade and Lich King in some of the top hoard guilds on the server. Stopped WoW to play Age of Conan … more top-end raiding.

All the aRPGS to some degree. Need I list them? Who remembers Nox?

Played Elite dangerous for a couple of years and - at the time - posted the longest trip on record. Heres a link of my 1.6 million LY journey spreadsheet for those interested …

Elite Longest Journey

Really enjoying Last Epoch and have high hopes for both it’s near future and it’s longevity.


Wiccan Enochian hexagrams?

Yeah, I remember Nox, though I don’t remember getting particularly far. I also remember using a 1200 baud modem to dial a BBS directly///

That is an absolutely bonkers journey… How many credits did you get after IDing all the stars on the way? Billions?

Thank you @elnawawi and @Madriax for keeping this thread alive C=

Really enjoying all the stories!

@all other peeps, keep ‘em comin’

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“Exploration Credits for this trip: 4,350,340,389 (1,450,113,463 before bonus)”

I did it all in an Asp Explorer.

While I was out they changed the combat mechanics - so I was really on edge heading back into the bubble! When I got back I bought my way up the ranks of Li Yong-Rui, knocked out a few quests for him and got triple credits.

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I’ve really enjoyed chatting with and watching you all (special shoutouts to Llama & Boardman), so I’ll throw my mini-bio into the pile.

I’m Lonnie (surprise!), I’m a 36 year old Maintenance Engineering Tech for Vacuum Systems Engineering at Intel. That means I’m a repair tech with enough engineering knowledge to let real engineers sit at their desks.

I have an amazing wife and 2 terrible children whom I’d burn the world for, if it came to it. My boy is 12 and almost 5’5, my daughter is 14 and almost 5’9. I blame their uncle who is my wife’s twin, as he is 6’7 and I’m only 6’0.

I’ve been playing games since my 5th birthday when I got an NES… A lot. From Dragon Warrior through the entire FF series, from Ultima Online through WoW (that’s when I gave up MMO’s), Diablo 1-3… I just love games, especially RPG-lootcentric games. Didn’t stop me from getting down in Elite:Dangerous and way too many fighters/shooters to list, as well as LoL (I actually started what was the most visited/read topic in the forums for 'round 6 months on a boring evening titled something like “I need a high ELO wife.” Wrote it just for fun but so many people thought I was serious that I was forced to run with it).

Outside of games, I’m a wanna-be drinker and pot-head (it’s legal here, the shop is literally around the corner from me but I haven’t made time to go in over a year >_<) but those things cost $$$ and games offer greater longevity.

I’m a type 1 diabetic so if you ever catch me raging in global chat, feel free to ask what my blood sugar level is, I’ll probably stop. IF Formosus ever gives me his damned shoes…

Most lovingly remembered games: Chrono Trigger, FF6, Bioshock, D1, NFS: Underground, FF1 which took me 3 years to beat (I was 6 at the start OK!?), UO and Everquest.