Insect Builds Please!

I am a big fan of insects, when I first saw that Swarmblade had access to an army of Locusts, I instantly grinded the Druid to lvl 100. Being able to also use bees and scorpion ontop of all of this was really nice to see.

The issue came when I tried to actually make a build. I tend to avoid build guides and make my own builds in the planner and then execute them. I just couldnt get an insect army Swarmblade to work!

I know there are existing builds that are Locust Army, but im just wondering if anyone has tried and succeeded/failed to make a build using at least 2/3 of those minions. If so, how did it go and what did you do to get it to work? (The 3 minions being Locust, Scorpion, Bee.) If you have made a build that does use 3/3, and has an actual use for all of them, I would love to hear about it.

I just want a build that can get to 300-400 corruption that uses all 3. Maybe ill just have to wait a few updates and itll get buffs and stuff, but until then, im gonna keep trying until I get something that works.

Hope im not alone on this, interested to see what people say down below! Thank you for your time! <3

This one uses both locusts and scorpion (along with a few other minions). Maybe that helps get you started? Maybe you can switch around to incorporate bees into it?
Although he claims that the build can ā€œkill all the new bossesā€, implying that it can kill Aby, there is no footage of even empowered monos. So I donā€™t know how good it really is.

Personally, I have never tried swarmblade so I canā€™t give you much input. Scorpion is pretty good in 1.1, though, so I imagine the hard part would be to make it synergize with swarmblade, which I can only see as adding poison stacks. Still, if you do make a fun build with those, be sure to let me know, Iā€™d love to try it out :slight_smile:

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tysm, I will definitely check it out, I was considering minion poison but apparently Scorp Nova is pretty bad unless u are BM and have access to second half of tree, though poison would be so cool, or bleed.

Ill try it at some point, luckily im MG and can slap together some decent enough gear, Ill lyk how it goes, thanks! <3

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