Infinitely scaling endgame progression systems

Hi, there, I’m new to the forums. I bought the game three weeks ago and I’m about 70 hours into the game. I wanted to give my opinion on the end game systems in this game as they are now.
I’m not a huge fan on Infinitely scaling endgame progression systems for a few reasons. But let me make it clear that I don’t mind some small/side endgame systems like Arena being infinite. It’s not bad to have a place where you can test a build to the absolute limit. But I believe that the main progression system, like the Monolith should NOT be infinitely scaling for two main reasons.

  1. I believe there is value in being able to say “I beat the game/end game system, it was hard, I had to learn a lot, play a lot, gear well but i finally managed to do it”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating for the game being easier, exactly the opposite, I think it should be extremely hard, but still beatable. I wouldn’t mind if the final stage of Monolith is the equivalent of… let’s say 3000 corruption, but there should be a finite amount of scaling of the monsters.
    When its infinite you can never say I build a strong character, because what is a strong character? One that can beat 500 corruption, 1000…5000…10000? It’s just numbers that are getting bigger and bigger and there is no such thing as strong char or beating the game, just like Greater Rifts in D3, which in my opinion is the worst end game system out there.
  2. The other reason is motivation when starting a new league/season (when they are introduced) One of the things I do before starting a new season in ARPGs (and I believe I’m not alone on this) is setting a goal for myself. “Hey, last season I was able to beat this system, this boss, lets see if now I’ll be able to beat this one.” It’s not a problem even if I don’t manage to do it. Having the goal is the most important thing. But if all systems are infinitely scaling…again, its just numbers getting higher, and that’s not interesting to me.
    I know some people might say, well its an ARPG, in the end of the day it’s all about numbers getting bigger, about chars and monsters getting stronger. While that is true, I believe it is important to have something more engaging for the brain, to make it more interesting for players. When you divide the scaling of numbers into different systems, like “Hey you beat that system, now try this one, that is harder, with stronger monsters. If you can beat that, try the other one.” It’s still just numbers getting higher and higher, but makes it more interesting. It divides your achievements into different sets of goals and progressions, which in my opinion is infinitely more interesting then just entering one place where you can scale the monsters up to infinity. It also makes people hungrier and more willing to try new content and updates when they are released.
    As I final though, i don’t want people to think that I don’t like the Monolith. I like it, and most other things in the game. But I think it is a little alarming the the only two end game system currently in the game are both infinitely scaling.

There’s a new endgame content coming next patch. Let’s hope it floats your boat.

Plus one. I have mentioned this several times. But I don’t think the devs have directly addressed this. :slightly_frowning_face:


Same, but I do suspect that the devs would have a plan on an end game goal (other than farming uber item), seeing that the mono/orobyss lore is incomplete.

I was planning to ask this one the Friday dev stream but then I realized that I cannot explain well what I mean in a few sentences, and I know they would not read one page of text on a live stream, that’s why I decided to write a post here, hoping they would at least address it and give us their view on the subject.

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