Pretty simple question that is gonna determine the direction I take my build. Are shadow falcons buffed by stuff like this. You see it on a few bases and it’s also an affix.
Like are shadow falcons treated the same way all other shadow based skills are.
I too would like to know the answer to this, had any1 tested it?
Thinking about how dive bomb makes shadow bird copies who casts dive bomb on the shadow clones, those shadow falcons are technically using a skill so it should work I guess.
Does the base chest armor with up to 90% “damage by skills used by shadows” then basically just mean the chest gives 90% minion damage for dive bomb?
Maybe I should try to test it myself if noone else has
I haven’t played since posting this but this is the general idea yes. I have a build that I want to transition to this but I want to get all the gear together first.
If you find anything out. Let me know. The easiest way to test this is going to be to take basically everything off or throw on random gear that doesn’t have modifiers for the dive bomb or shadow falcons. Then test your damage with a shadow damage base and without.
It’s a pretty massive deal cause those shadow damage bases are pretty good.