It does well to differentiate between “hits” and “dots,” but it lacks a category that explains dots in further detail. Specifically, it should include info about what sort of damage multipliers apply to them, that Bleed is considered Physical, and if they inherit the multipliers from the attack type that issued them (such as spell damage, bow damage, melee damage, thrown damage, etc).
I don’t think this category should be too difficult or time-consuming to append into the guide, so it would be appreciated to see this in one of the more immediately due updates, if possible.
I love the fact that the guide explains so much in-game, something most games in this genre utterly fail or don’t even attempt, so it would be great to see it do it so well as to set the example for the genre. It’s such a welcome change from the norm of being expected to go look up a wiki for basic info about the game.