I'm creating a new character - but my stash is empty

I had several characters in the regular league, where you can die. There were many items in the stash.

  1. I started playing Hardcore, played with friends in a party. I died. My character moves to the regular league and the stash is empty.
  2. I created a new character in the Softcore league. And again, the stash is empty. I checked, I can play with a friend in a party. But there are no items, as if the stash did not synchronize.

How do I continue playing? Can I get my items back? I don’t know how to proceed.
Will I have to delete characters and start the game again? :sob:


Same here

Having a similar issue occur

  • Played to level 70 on a ‘Standard Solo AF’ character
  • In this process unlocked a few stash tabs, and stored many items in these
  • Created a new ‘Hardcore Solo AF’ character
  • Also unlocked stash tabs and stored items here
  • Hardcore character died at level 20
  • Logged back into level 70 Standard character, and entire stash has been deleted and replaced with the stash that my HC character had when it died

It appears as if the game is attempting to merge both stashes and simply overwrites the standard stash. Not really a big deal to me, but hope that repro helps.

Had the same issue. 8 full stash tabs and all my crafting materials disappeared!

  • Played to 95 on a Standard Cycle character
  • Made a Hardcore Cycle character
  • Died kicked back to Menu
  • Started game with dead character
  • Opened stash and empty. Added boots
  • Went back on level 95. Opened stash, can see boots but nothing else!

Did you guys check the chest from the same city? I notice that chest aren’t always the same over the cities.

Doesn’t seem to be anything to do with a city. It’s taken 1mil+ gold as well :smiling_face_with_tear:

The patch is out. Nothing helped.
I go to any character in the league - and my stash is empty. all things are gone! :sob:
How to continue playing??? What should I do???
Steam rebooted. I checked the integrity of the files.

Let me add:

  1. All old characters on the league 1.0 who started the game on the league
    = stash is gone
  1. All the characters who started on HC died and moved to the league
    = stash is gone
  1. Today, I’m creating a new character from scratch, on the league
    = the stash is empty, as if there were no things before

Many people have this problem, developers please pay attention to this post. People can’t play the second day

Note, it also reset my Circle level to 2 from 7! Now my high level char can’t use it’s equipped gear!

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