Idea to make black hole better

I know this idea may be stolen from D3 but since black hole is quite underwhelming right now I was thinking how about a talent node or a unique item which makes it also suck in projectiles and harmful effects on the ground and such?

This would make it more appealing and it’s pull area also more appealing to pick as well as it now being able to be used offensively still but also defensively like cast it near yourself just to reduce incoming damage.

It also really fits the skill fantasy.

I’d say area of effect is a little low (it makes homing mandatory), and cooldown a little high. Also, there should be a way to increase mana cost in order to be able to play on the class’s synergies with high mana costs.
Homing should be faster, too, but probably decrease area of effect.

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very good point about the mana cost for class synergies.

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