I wish they would just give us an estimate on multiplayer testing. So we can forget about this title until then. :P

Come back in December, it’ll be done by then (hopefully).

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Many moons.

Multiplayer is a key component, it has to go well (not just ok). If people’s first experience of it isn’t good, it will be significantly tarnished in their eyes and repairing that damaged view will be a very difficult up hill battle. That is, IMO, why they’re saving multiplayer and didn’t release it early on (like PoE did).


Cannot agree more.

(Most) people don’t care if this is EA/Beta. They want a working product.

If the initial state of MP is not enjoyable, people will most like abandon the game. Surely not everyone, but alot will do.

Even if the game is not “unplayable”, because we have offline play alternative… people don’t care.
There were other aRPG’s in the past that had huge Online/MP issues, but had a fully functional offline-mode… people still didn’t cared.


The devs couldn’t do some kind of multiplayer community test where you had to jump through a few hoops first to even get access? That would surely keep the critical judging masses of people away, but also allow those who could provide real feedback the access to play it early.

Like, this perhaps?

Yes. Exactly like that. :+1: However, more open to those who are interested so it’s not a total random lottery drawing.

It’s not a random lottery draw though (the current version at least). The devs want/need people they can count on to give honest feedback & feedback covering a wide range of play styles, skill levels, etc.

Sure, but it’s still a lottery based on the group wanting in on the testing, right? Is there some formal application or is it just based on the community selection from users here who have a history of submitted posts containing proper feedback?

What makes you think that?

It’s invite only on EHG’s part & I imagine that they look at people’s posts to see how they act in the community, what their level of game knowledge is, etc. EHG ask people to join based in their internal needs for the skill set of testers, it’s not really anything that “we” (the community) get any input in since it’s driven by whatever EHG need.

according to this then we will get the multiplayer when 0.9 goes live later in 2021… at least thats how i read it when they say patch 0.9 and multiplayer 2021

Hence my comment about it being ready by December…

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Hence my inquiry about getting access before a whole year passes. I mean I know it’s going to be coming to public access eventually, but it sounds like from what I’m reading thus far that it’s still got quite a long way to go before it could reach mass playability.

maybe we get word on when 0.9 is after we get 0.8.1

I would be surprised if that happened. We might get another update with more details about MP later in the year but I’d be very surprised if that was (directly) after 0.8.1.

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I’m using the laws of attraction to bring the developer’s attention to this post, so that they may grant my account Community Tester status.

It’s probably not prudent for them to grant users access who seem to lack impulse control and patience. However, that could be exactly the opinion that they’re looking for though. I’m the personality type that will still study the flaws of games even I like and enjoy. I beleive everything can be improved in my opinion.

Otherwise, just make some splashes on the front of the steam storefront when the multiplayer update is released.

I have no doubt whatsoever that MP will be released to great fanfare.

I have no doubt that it wouldn’t at all. That is why I’m sure I’d see it even if I weren’t actively following the game’s continued development.

I’m just saying… Pick me! Pick me, Next!

Haha I know just how you feel - I was one of the people pushing for more MP updates last year. While I’m happy with the response of what is being planned for MP, I’m still skeptical on the approach they are using. IMHO, MP is so critical to every element of the game (especially when you consider economy/trading on top of gameplay), it should be tested with as many people as possible, as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more time is being “wasted” - in the sense that there are issues that simply won’t come up without some critical mass of testers. I don’t know what that number is, but I’d imagine you’d want at least 100 people, really like 1000 to do really solid testing.

I don’t buy the argument of “when it releases it has to be xxx good or it will tarnish the reputation” - thats what NDAs are for. I’m not saying release a buggy mess to the entire public, but I do think testing with a significantly sized group - with a greater diversity of player types -(and an NDA in place), would greatly benefit the game in the long run. No offense to the Community Testers, but it seems to be a fairly specific (what I’d call “hardcore”) group of players.
They will be the best at exposing many types of issues faster than others, but not necessarily ones that occur to casual/lazy/inexperienced players. I’d argue if the goal is to make the first official “release” to the greater public as polished as possible, you’d want to do something like this regardless.

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Are they going to NDA the entire community? The Closed Testers would get access to it early under an NDA to help test it, yes, but what I meant was that if 0.9 releases to the general public & the multiplayer doesn’t work well then it will look bad for EHG, people will be turned off it & that bad press will spread.

Edit: Having properly read the second paragraph… How large would/should a larger MP testing pool be? The more people you have in that pool the more likely there are to be leaks (either deliberate or accidental). But yes, I agree that there will hopefully be an increasing size of MP testers as it goes along.

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