I was beaten by end-game, e.g. Lag

so, my best ARena push was wave 325. trying to do btter I encounter the real end-game, lag - fps drop harder under 30(in high density, high attack speed by mobs and my char, not a GPU limitation stay chill…) - my Paladin not able to hit at full speed therefore no full ward generation and no full life leech… even moving away is hard so just die…
this I do not know how to mitigate. I had hard time to do a build to mitigate one-shots from DoT at Arena wave 300+, lot of other challenges… but this? is there a item that have affix “gain 80% damage reduction when servers crash under 30fps” ???

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I feel sorry for you, and that happened to me too, but not in arena, just regular monoliths.
I play like normal, but when I find a area with high mob density, my FPS always drops, to 30-20 or even 10 to even game crashes.

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This was I afraid off, playing aRPG froma small company, there can be technical ossueslike this that they will not be able to solve.

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Yes, me too

What lag!?! game runs perfect!?! have you seen other games releases and how laggy they were!?! LE is the best game with the best release in history of gaming!?! maybe you need a new pc or get out of the cave you are living in!?!

Now that is all out of the way and the responses that will of come your way…

Dont expect it to get any better, this is it, as good as it gets…

sadly yes… devs does not even talk about BIG problems of this game. they are talking fixing trees that block your view…