But most of them will anyway. Poe 2 players just love to complain about it. But it doesn’t have ARPG alternatives in terms of gameplay, so people are playing and crying about it in the same time
I just completely disagree with everything you wrote, and you seem to be getting worse with your analogies (seriously? workers on a construction site?). Spectacular work there. And looooong. So long.
You managed to change “business are responsible for maximizing their profits” into a sentence the encapsulates everything wrong with what GGG is doing. Well done. No, seriously, I’m pleased. You basically just said, whether you realize it or not, that GGG should use their dominant position in the market to impede competitors, because competing just on the merits of the game is for suckers. That is what I heard.
It’s the responsibility of each player (for both games) to decide whether they care or not about the behavior of the businesses that provide the games they play. I clearly am stating that I find GGGs behavior, malice or not, to be something I wish to discourage. I’m an idealist in that I think that the games should speak for themselves. Definitely businesses with larger market share shouldn’t be using launch dates as a way to impede competition.
Usually I look for conversation/different opinions on these forums, here I’m definitely not. Just stating my opinion, hopefully giving EHG a “keep your chin up”. EHG, keep your chin up.
No, you missed the part about it being malignant. Hence with design. That’s what Blizzard did. They actively set their date to the exact same timeframe to compete over GGGs customers… and failed miserably as well.
That’s what’s called ‘a dick move’. In comparison GGG did mention they want to release as early as possible, with their plans being postponed because of isses (like EHG had).
So… should EHG push back their release because they knew since months GGG will release somewhere in that timeframe? Or should GGG push back because EHG simply stated their release date finally?
Which one is it?
Both games would have a severe detriment for pushing it further back… so, should they willingly take the loss?
That would be utterly stupid.
So, is that done here? When should EHG release given that GGG now will likely stay with the 2 month cadence as well as they can from now on. Should GGG work around EHG hence? Or should they just move forward with their already planned stuff despite EHG stating theirs earlier?
As mentioned, if it would’ve been malignent, hence by an active try to impede their competition… then yes, it’s reprehensible. But it’s not. At best GGG simply doesn’t care about EHG, because EHG dropped the ball with their release hard. GGG and Blizzard also don’t give a rat’s ass about Torchlight… because it’s too niche and small still.
Also when to stop that? When 20 games are the size of LE in the same genre? Or with 1? It becomes simply impossible to manage anyway for a good release date.
And since you yourself said:
Doesn’t the quality of the game speak for itself when all games release at the exact same date? You can compare the easiest then which one is most liked, can’t you? Because people have limited time and hence would only focus on the one they like.
At this point, one extra week for POE 2 0.2 won’t really make a difference. They set 4th April because they can, not because they need.
In any case, one thing that is certain is that, regardless of the outcome of their expansion launch, both studios are getting quite some free marketing from the drama
Well the opnly thing you can really do to hold them responsible (using your own language) is for you to not play POE2.
Beyond that? Nothing you can do.
Good luck.
Most people will end up playing both… eventually.