I think EHG should run some mid season races/events

The game already has Solo Character Found implemented and so separate servers wouldn’t be required. I believe that events would help maintain interest in the game and provide more entertaining things to do for content creators.

While content creators could theoretically run their own, ala VisionGL races, I think it’s definitely better for events to be supported and advertised by EHG in game. I don’t think there would have to be prizes outside of saving the leaderboards. Although having some rewards would probably boost particpation.

I think they want to do stuff like this, but it takes time to get the basic stuff like new cycle themes and stuff first. They have dev chats every week Friday on twitch (2pm pst). They don’t drop huge truth bombs or anything but they hint at stuff they’re working on. There’s really a LOT of stuff coming. I asked a half-dozen questions yesterday (one perk of lower pop is more time with your devs) and I learned a lot. They have more ladders coming. That will help a lot.

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More ladders will definitely help. My one disappointment with watching streams this season was that so many content creators focusing on getting multiple build guides updated and written, and not many actually just tried to push a build to the limit. Wudijo was a breath of fresh air in that regard.

Adding more end game bosses and content will certainly help.

Races were really fun to watch and sometimes participate in when POE was young. And I just feel that it’s a missed opportunity in this game. One that doesn’t require new content, just development time to implement the races and leaderboards.

Yeah. More ladders = more Wudji streaming LE time. Need to keep streamers (and everyone else) here engaged longer. That would help keep interest boosted for everyone.