I Tested a Theory On CoF Rep Vendor.... for 999K prophecy

Have fun yall. After watching, did you come down to the same conclussion as me?

First off, your verbiage is incorrect. You were looking for Uniques, not Legendaries.

Second, you canā€™t get Uniques from the vendor. Maybe Iā€™m missing something and thatā€™s not what you are trying to do, but thatā€™s what I got from the vid.

I heard somewhere on the steam forums that they could drop legenderies at cof tier 10. I decided to just do some small testing. I was of the opinion it was false, but wanted to check just in case. Proved to be bogus.

Never got any uniques either.


Not exactly a huge surprise.
Mostly, considering that when you mouse over any item at the vendor, there is a red warning ā€œCannot be a unique or set itemā€. :woman_facepalming:

If you have time on your hands and want to do extensive testing instead of reading, you do you.
But calling it a ā€œscamā€ is shameless and pathetic. Sad click-baiting.


I honestly donā€™t know why this dude is allowed to keep posting spam for his YouTube channel here.

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I was never testing for uniques, i was testing to see if it could drop a legendery. J just mentioned i never got any uniques, if jt says somewhere on it and i missed it, it just confirms it also.

Btw, i never called it a scam. I said is it a scam? Big difference. Even if it did drop, the cost per item would be so high i would consider it a scam.

I dont spam, i post a video once a month if i feel like it. Someone may find it useful, as it is a guide. Dont like it, ignore it, and move on with your life, the video is meant for people who find it helpful, if you dont, dont watch it. Simple as that, i care not of your opinion on it

But you canā€™t drop Legendaries anywhere in the game, you only drop Uniques and then make them Legendary.

Not that big, really. Itā€™s how all click-baity sensational videos/news phrase things. The question implies the answer.
If I make a video called ā€œIs WeAreViledNation a murderer?ā€ Iā€™m not saying you are one. But it is implied by whoever sees it that the base premise is that you are.

Just like all those ā€œnewsā€ reports that start with ā€œIs <whatever> killing you?ā€, the answer is no, it isnā€™t, and yes, itā€™s sensationalism/click bait.


Nah, I would not care one bit if someone did that. People are entitled to their opinion in any case. A question is a question, no implication in it

When you invent a question that no one was asking, implying a scam and even compound it by placing a credit card in the thumbnail, further implying that itā€™s a scam that takes your money, itā€™s not just a question.

Honestly, half of youtube is click bait videos and titles. No one bats an eye to it anymore. But at least own it when it obviously is that.


And Iā€™ve no idea what the green chick has to do with the price of fish either.


Itā€™s boob-bait.


As Iā€™m almost divorced, Iā€™m totes up for that.


The community who plays this game are older, them swiping on their wife or girlfriend felt like a simple analogy to what I was doing: swiping a credit card [favor] for never pleased /unhappy [never getting it]. Maybe a bit on the nose, but that is my crude humor.

Now as to the question LLAMA8 about green chick and fish? Most of my thumbnails are meant to be funny and weird.

Really poor bait.