I really like the LE forums

It has stayed level headed even with some divisive topics that have been discussed in the past. Thank you to all the contributors over the years and the devs for keeping the peace and for keeping it cleaned up when someone was out of bounds. What the D4 forums have become and how they are just letting both sides just trample all over the forum rules and common decency towards the devs is a travesty.


Thatā€™s very on-brand for that community. But I agree. Iā€™m not sure what miracle was worked here for to be the case, but the population here is way more mature and the discussions are much higher quality. Itā€™s nice thereā€™s still a corner of the internet that hasnā€™t turned into social media drama and ā€œdebate me, broā€ style bloodsports.


Iā€™m with you. Itā€™s a travesty what the Diablo IV forums have become since launch. I much prefer it here over any other ARPG forum.

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The daily mood of the content regarding D4 swings like a pendulum between rage and elation, and I personally had to step away from it as well. Video, tweet or forum post, itā€™s all just gotten out of hand :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Itā€™s not unique to D4 over there. It is true that this is partially because they went so hard on the D4 goodwill campaign getting influencers to praise the game that the backlash was near unavoidable. But itā€™s also just the general nature of the Blizzard fandom, to hold a daily screaming match about something or other. I got tired of it literally 10 or 12 years ago and I havenā€™t been back. lol


Very true, these forums are great. Credit to EHG for putting together, and keeping, such a nice communitty.

Mature, thatā€™s the key. Most of us are far too old to still find the energy to scream at our screens. And we donā€™t want to wake up everyone in the nursing homeā€¦

Maybe. But I donā€™t think they had to. D4 sales are probably around 100M by now, that translates into mountains of potential viewers, and therefore money, for influencers. All the big guns would have praised anyway, hoping to get a slice of the cake.

On the other hand, LE did an entire ā€œtestingā€ (ah ah) weekend only open to influencers. And it didnā€™t backlash so muchā€¦


Itā€™s significantly smaller (probably by several orders if magnitude) so we donā€™t have as many of the types of personality.


Yeah. This is one of those things. I learned a long time ago. "fandom"can kill my enthusiasm. And the internet has only made that more relevant because now itā€™s damn near impossible to shut out the noise. For instance, when the Mandolorian first came out, by the time I got around to being able to watch it I was so irritated with baby Yoda I almost turned it off when the character came on screen. :crazy_face:

Too much of something is a sure fire way to dilute anythingā€™s ā€œgreatness.ā€ I most assuredly want LE to be a success, Iā€™m just torn on wanting it to be TOO successful, if that makes sense. Quite possibly why I loved Grim Dawn so much.


I do my very best not to let that happen. Thatā€™s why the vast majority of the time I donā€™t engage. Advantages of being an introvert. lol

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I donā€™t think itā€™s an introvert/extrovert thing. I score so how on every scale that measures these two, that my wife, a certified MBTI consultant says this is our most difficult challenge (sheā€™s the exact opposite.) 70s and 80s this wasnā€™t hard to do because it wasnā€™t so prevalent and saturated in every thing. You canā€™t even go to the grocery store. Baby Yoda t-shirts were frigginā€™ everywhere (to get back to that example.) Maybe the introversion things solves it for you, but it doesnā€™t for me.

But it is why Iā€™m not buying or investing in any new games. LE is my last one and part of that, to get back to the original topic, is I appreciate the Devs openness and for the most part the community is large but still small enough that all the voices can at least be heard (even if I donā€™t agree with them.) The day that last part changes will be the day I bow out.

EDIT: And yes, before anyone needs to say it. I realize Iā€™m a crusty old disillusioned grognard. :rofl:


Just to add to the topic, from all that have been said, from times to times there is someone heating the topics sometimes with bulshit and nonsense but they hardly find any audience and the mature answers they receive I think discourage any further mess.

And yes , people being old helps :rofl::rofl:
Iā€™m approaching the 40ā€™s now.


Actually, rethinking it a bit, this is probably at least partially relevant. The introvert thing. Itā€™s why Iā€™m not on the Discords anymore. Those were getting a bit too big for my sanity. Had forgotten that.


Just because one is an introvert doesnā€™t mean one canā€™t be sn argumentative arsehat. I, of course, am not one of thoseā€¦ :innocent:

Yup, me too, theyā€™ve even replaced me in the not-Mike-but-answers-stuff-reasonably-well department.


Seriously!!! OLD and only approaching your 40ā€™s.

Whats that make the rest of us?



TBF, approaching oneā€™s 40s is pretty old. Heā€™s not far off drawing his pension and dribblingā€¦


Not possible. :wink:

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Yikes. I must be dead by those standards. :crazy_face: :joy:

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We must be figments of our own imagination by now then.


In defense of the d4 people, the people in the LE forums donā€™t have to all play d4 :stuck_out_tongue:


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