I hope LE MP will solve these POE MP problems

Technically it doesn’t. It makes it likely that you will find a REALLY NICE PERSON who gets the loot at the SOLO drop rate, and decides to give it to you (for free), on the promise that you’ll do the same for him on the next boss y’all go fight together.

Without friendly, trusted, in-party, in-instance trading, the drop rates are identical to solo, even with a party of 4.

Well my bad then, I thought we were just talking about the improved chances for drops in a group. Generic “oh there’s 4 of us”, and the bonuses granted by the game for grouping.

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Yes, it is.

And yet that unknown implementation of trade still adds a non-zero increase to the drop rate giving the player in a party a higher chance of getting the drop than a person doing it solo.

I am not sure if this was answered anywhere but will you be able to join other people’s self farmed Mono bosses? In that case I see the boss drop issue and people who want to be efficient will likely want to do rotas at least to have a better chance. But if you require every person joining to have the required stability and use everyone’s stability, I don’t think it is much of an issue. Is it?

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…What? I think you might have skipped past the context of what I said.

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Yeah, that’s a good point.

There has to be a mechanism that prevents people in MP from exploiting split farming bosses or specific echo nodes.

We don’t know how the team play will work in that regard. I’m not aware that there was something posted officially about this topic.

Does there though?

Yes, otherwise it increases the chance for whatever’s being farmed by up to 4x.

Not to be flippant, but… So what?

If people want to coordinate farming to improve their chances of getting an item, is that actually a real problem? Or is thinking that’s a problem just cutting off the ends of the ham?

It’s a problem because it effects balance which in turn effects solo. People constantly complain about PoE zoom zoom group farming but then seem to be fine pointing LE in the same direction.

Same question. Does it actually and necessarily affect balance, or is thinking it does just cutting off the ends of the ham? On what basis are we granting the premise that an advantage gained by coordinated group farming necessitates compensatory balance adjustments? Thoughtful consideration? Feelings? Tradition? Logic? Who is harmed by it and why? Is that harm real or imaginary?

To me, “Other players I will never interact worked together and got loot faster than me, so they must be prevented” smells like dysfunction, not reason. In the last few years I’ve started noticing and thinking about how much work seems to go into placating player attitudes that I would call unhealthy. And also how many seem from the outside to be made just to satisfy “This is how it’s always been done”, rather than for some grounded reason.

But I’m not actually sure which side of the fence I’m on. I’m trying to figure it out. I have competing thoughts and these are questions that occur to me.

I personally don’t care what other players get as I play the game single player if at all. The DEVS do care though. When they feel items are becoming too easy to get then they will inevitably balance the drop rates down to accommodate. This could be avoided if they made drops more rare based on the number of players in the party. I suspect those that want to game the system wouldn’t like that too much. Is that you?

Also, I purchased Chronicon after some people on this forum kept bringing it up as an example of how unfettered crafting and easy access to growth doesn’t actually hurt if done properly. The game was very fun admittedly, but I got bored with it after 4 days of playtime and haven’t loaded it back up. It was too easy to get a character to “finished” by my standards.

LE already has that problem for me. Making gear easier to get, through trade or MP advantage or whatever, makes that even worse.


Sure, but that’s what I’m asking. Should they care? Is it reasonable to care? Is there a real concern in play or is it some combination of exaggeration, fear, and tradition? Is there an argument to be made that they shouldn’t care?

Nope. I have zero interest in multiplayer and I definitely can’t be arsed to use it to game drops.

Assumption: You have to farm with friends who will freely give you the item you’re after on the premise that you’ll help them farm their target item in return. Otherwise, this really doesn’t work, especially with randoms.

I can only see two scenarios here for a party of 4 friends.
Scenario 1) You all solo Monos to 4 different end bosses. Then, you join up, crank out all 4 bosses, then split again, to repeat.

Scenario 2) You all stay together to farm monos, including the end bosses.

In scenario 1, you are getting less “non-boss-restricted” uniques because you’re all solo, and you get what you get. But you have a better shot at the “boss-restricted” unique you each want.

In scenario 2, you get a better chance at getting all uniques in the entire game.

To quote Enigo Montoya (in regards to “split farming”), “I do no think tha’ means what you thin’ it means.”

yes it does

If someone gave you a choice to earn $100 an hour to clean shit compared to earning $15 an hour ‘doing something you enjoy’ you will clean shit

In terms of grinding an item, you spend 75% less time doing something you dislike so you can go back to playing the game how you actually want

Theres people in PoE who play in groups for maybe a week/two weeks, earn enough currency for the rest of the league then part ways. basically abuse the system until they are fat and bloated then move on

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I also lowkey would like to understand this.

My friend group talks about this alot. So many devs seems so concerned with making sure progression speed is in X value, but we all ask “why”

I dont think there has been any online game we have played in the past 15 years that made us go “yup too much loot its boring” lol

I think this analogy is a little bit demonstrative of the dysfunction that I’m talking about. Money is not analogous to Last Epoch items. The motivations to pursue money are not analogous to the motivations to get better Last Epoch items, either in kind or in magnitude. But the choice to use money as an analogy here makes me question if you might have a warped perspective on how comparable they are that’s coloring your opinion.

My question remains - So what?

You’re saying this like it’s self-evident that it’s a bad thing but it isn’t. You can’t just grant your own premise. If it allowed those people to have more fun than they would have otherwise - because remember we are talking about a game - is it actually bad for them to “abuse the system” to get “fat and bloated” on completely made up bits of data with no intrinsic or tangible value? If so, why? Did it take fun away from someone else? Did it harm someone else? If so, how?

I mean, there is absolutely a point where progression can be too fast for a majority of players. Some people can have a ton of fun if a perfect character just appeared on their account, but I’d hazard that for most that’d be very boring, very fast. The question is where the happy medium is.

Could apply the same question to crafting, and the rareness of GG items like 4 LP uniques. Should the devs care if players grow in power, and at what rates they can acquire that power? Could we almost say that being in a group is akin to having a “item drop rate editor”? :wink:

ayyyyyyyy you’re doing a thing. It’s not clever enough for a winky face though. :wink:

Yeah, I could ask those same questions about other adjacent topics, but why would I? My opinions on those are settled and solid. My opinion on this one is not. So, I’m thinking out loud.

It does work with randos thanks to rotas. Basic idea is you find 3 other people that has Mono boss ready to be killed, you party with them and kill 4 bosses in order. Everybody keeps their drops but everybody gets 4 drops. There are 4x the boss drops in the game now compared to the solo. For example PoE had bestiary boss rotas working exactly same way and it was a waste if you didn’t do rotas. Even more in PoE cause party size there is 6.