I have created a monster - Swarmblade Lightning Tornado 500+ Corruption(0.9 Updated)

You should be able to generate one with the planner

Thank you! I had no idea that was possible.

Why such a focus on attack speed if Tornado is your big damage dealer and you can only have 1 tornado out at once? Or am I misunderstanding how Eye of the storm interacts with windfury strikes? Seems like a Sceptre in the mainhand would be superior to a dagger if it works how I think. Also sapping coils on the serpent strike tree seems a waste of 2 points, I took them out and still have 0 rage problems. Cobra lunge also seems bugged it never moves me to the mobs, so I took that point out until they fix it. I moved the points to Corrosive venom.

Just to level, I had Tears of the Forest in the amulet slot. Took it out, and realized I had big rage problems without it. Tears works really well with the Spriggan summoning vines all over the place. Then I noticed I had a really good roll (8, 32, 61 on the stats that vary).

Now I’m wondering why I would ever want to take it out? If I keep this amulet, I can avoid going the Constrictor route and go Poison Tipped into Serpent Venom and just completely prevent critical strikes. Am I missing something?

Edit: And if I do that, there is no/less need for Harmonious Wisdom in the druid passive tree (well, that is given 8 Attunement). Seems like I could go with Hideskin and get more health and End Threshold.

This build seems really strong. It’s so much fun. Awesome job.

When I tested it, the Vines summoned by the Spriggan gave zero rage generation.

That’s because they aren’t your vines. Your Spriggan’s vines have never given you rage, nor are they affected by your Spriggan Form tree nodes.

Yeah, I know, makes sense to me.

On an unrelated note, It seems to me that the “Tornado follows you” is a huge downgrade for this build. Unless I am misunderstanding something, It seems the node means that you can’t have more than a single tornado active, and not just that it disables doublecasting from the previous node.

I don’t know what to tell you, but it worked for me. I took it off, had major rage issues, put it back on, and I only had rage issues when the … hmmm, maybe it was the amulet AND the boots.

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You can’t proc more than one tornado at once but you can proc multiple ones one after the other if you’re fast enough.

Here’s an explanation for PerryThePig (linked to 13:55): https://youtu.be/0zO6vWSd2_A?t=835

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