I finally beat the game

I finally beat the end boss and she was tough and had to have help. I managed to not delete my pally after raging… But the ending sucked anyways… But glad it’s over and now the grind for gear is good… SO i can skip campaign again right?

Kind of? You need to reach The Lightless Arbor first, but then (as long as you have keys) absolutely to my understanding

Well, if you somehow found the campaign hard, I certainly wouldn’t recommend trying the dungeons skip…
It is considerably harder, even if you have a few levelling items.

Also, dungeons only skip through (large) parts of the campaign, but you still have to go do the quests to get the idol slots and the passives (though that might change in the future).

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Ditto this. Play a couple, … five alts through to get better familiarity with the game till you get to the point where you think, “good gravy the campaign is easy, I’ll stab myself if I have to run it again”. And then stab yourself trying to skip it. heh, I made me laugh there.


Yes and no… At the end of each dungeon is a Passive Point & Idol Slot unlock, so you don’t really need to worry about doing the quests. After you exit most dungeons there’s a boss or quest right nearby who gives passives & idols. And once you have skipped thru all the dungeons the rest of your unlocks are right in Maj’elka


That’s something good to know, never did it so wasn’t aware of this.

I beat Majasa last night and then was surprised that it was over, it ends so abruptly.
I had to check my quests to make sure the campaign was over.

That’ll be because there are another 3 chapters still to come.

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Ohhh gotcha, that’s good to know, thanks.