I dont see boss

Please help, i can’t see the boss that is supposed to appear in the second chapter of the ruined era at the place where the bridge collapsed and i can’t go any further. I can see his attacks, but I can’t attack him, sorry for my bad english.https://imgur.com/a/fdOTRTj

Return to town and come back. If that doesn’t work, logout and back in.

And if it keeps happening, use the in-game tool to file a bug report. Walk further away so he’s not attacking you.
The in-game report collects data, so it will help the devs figure out what is happening.

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tried many times, with multiple characters, never have it there…but thanks for the advice. Of course I’ve reported the bug, I’ve looked at the forums, reddit…but it looks like I’m absolutely the only person in the world who has encountered this problem.

Try to verify your game files on steam. There was some other thread that had a similar issue and that fixed it for them.

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solved, just verified the game files via steam (didn’t know there was such an option). Thanks everyone for your help.

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