I collected 6133 Uniques to Test LP

I am going to go touch grass now. Thanks Yall.


My interpretation:

None Empowered: around 33% of 0LP become 1LP, unclear for rest

100-700: about 50% of 0LP items become 1LP,

200-399: About 1/4th -1/5th of 2LP items become 3LP

400-599: About 1/4th of 2LP items become 3LP

200-399: 1LP-2LP about 50% conversation rate

400-700: about half of the 1LP items become 2LP, 2-3LP around 1/6th - 1/3rd, result unclear

corruption 500-700 needs a large sample, interpretation is very like incorrect


Doing the work of the Gods here!

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What faction are u using to get this data.

One has buffed drops based on rank(cof) the other (mg) has nerfed drop rates

Cof drops are higher than they where pre 1.0. Where as MG has lower drop rates vs pre 1.0

Depending on what faction this data could very well be different

Edit btw i havent watched the vid stuck at work for another 4 hrs lol


WeAreViledNation wasn’t using any factions. I assume the conversions might be a little more than 50% for LP0 → LP1 for CoF.


Ty that helps understand it a bit more

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I’d be curious to see what the results are from 500c and beyond but also know that’s a lot of grinding and farming for data.

I have a feeling that the increases in conversion will be better on paper then it feels playing in practice as @WeAreViledNation was saying in the video.

EDIT: edited part in italics

I tested it to some extent. It seemed that 0-1lp remained about same, until it went down a lot as many of the 1lp items began to kick into 2lp [somewhere around 500C ]. 3Lp conversation did not seem any better [around 1/4 to 1/5]

600+ is where i need a larger sample. Around 300+ was what i did. Not enough to be reliable. In general thou from what i seen, if you can clear 500 corruption, your probably can push into low 800s. Dont expect much changes at that point


Would be interesting to see how this data shapes up using the CoF faction

It’s always nice to see some test, but some unique have a higher or lower chance to have lp than other.
So i don’t see what we can do with your data

Sadly, that’s true. Some common 3LP uniques are vendor trash while 3LP Twisted Heart or Omnis don’t exist.

Yes i mention that near the end. I will prefer a high lvl 80 item in most cases to a 2-3LP lvl 15 unique cause low level items lack stats in a lot of cases. Tests like these are more meant as a lets take a look at what happens

Sad part of my test, the items that i got at 700 corruption where the same 2LP i was getting as low as unempowered and a lot of in corruption 100-300. I got a few ominis to drop but they where all 0 Lp from my memory. Had a few red rings drop, think maybe a few in 1lp.

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This is blatantly untrue.
Drop rates were nerfed when 1.0 launched, but the base drop rate is exactly the same regardless of which faction you are in.

Thats not true

Edit what i mean by drop rate is global. Im not talking about base drop rate mean a said items chance to drop. Which in cof it actually does for uniques based on how rank 6 of cof is written even exalts at what rank 8 were rare affixes have a chance to become exalted

Heres what a dev said

Mike said by the time u reach rank 3 u have surpassed the drop rates. Aka pre 1.0

As one that plays cof and has played since 2019 i can tell u yes that is actually true. Drops between factions is not the same. This can be seen very easily with exalted and uniques. And prophecies which mg doesnt get access too. Vs mg u see far more rares

There was a 30% global drop rate nerf which mg has to deal with. Vs cof which in rank 1 as seen here kinda nullifys this nerf here…

Rank 1 cof grants a 35% higher chance that enemies will drop double the number of items

Mg is still the most powerful when it comes to gearing up tho and will always be the case. Difference is in 1.0 mg doesnt have the same drop rates as pre 1.0 where as cof has a bit higher drop rates than pre 1.0

Edit u can also see this when lp drops iv gotten far far more unique itms with 2 or 3 lp on them in 1.0 in cof vs pre 1.0 and mg from my experience in mg.

Just take a look at the current cof rank rewards. That should be enough to tell u cof drop rates based on rank are higher in 1.0 vs pre 1.0 vs what mg gets in 1.0

Pre 1.0 everyone had the same drop rates since factions were not a thing in EA

It makes since that cof drop rate based on rank would be higher than mg since cof cant trade which is the point of cof

One is relying on RNG (cof) the other is not (mg)

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It’s not. There was a global reduction to drop rates but CoF gets a rank-based (I think) buff to drop rates.

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