I accidentally dropped my items while teleporting. Can you help me get it back?

I lost 2 Red Ring Atlaria… I was switching to my DPS gear before teleporting to temporal sanctum. I usually just switch and shift right click the other items back to storage. I flubbed the sequence and teleported first before the switch. Since I right clicked the sanctum key and teleported immediately, this closed my stash window. So when I shift right clicked my rings they dropped to the ground and I teleported, deleting the two red rings. I hope you have a way of checking my acct history and not think I’m trying to abuse the game. It happened today 3/15/2024 around 1:30-1:45PM GMT+8. It was so hard farming those rings clean so I can play them both at MG and CoF, please help me get them back.
Account name: DBBS
Character name: Batobatopik

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