How do I unlock the empowered timelines? I have 1/3 empowered timelines unlocked, i have 7/7 regular timelines unlocked and I have taken all paths on all the monos. Someone told me to do the level 100 empowered monolith I already have, I beat that and nothing changed, still 1/3 empowered monoliths unlocked and no quest.
Can someone help? How do I unlock the other two empowered monoliths? (The Black Sun and Ending the storm i think. ) I have fall of the outcasts unlocked empowered. Pls help
Yes, I have just vieweed that video , found the chest for one of the empowered timelines and clicked it (i checked all the platforms, i cant find a 3rd one to unlock the 3rd) so now im at 2/3 empowered timelines.
But when i went to the new empowered timeline “The black Sun” and try to do it, its unlocked but its still level 68, and theres no option to change it to empowered level 100…
Well, I already made a picture of it so I might as well post it haha. All 3 are located near the Dragon’s Reign timeline, marked with a blue circle on the minimap.