How to improve dmg in this build?

As in the title, got this build going, somehow it feels like the dmg is not too impressive, first time playing dot build so not sure…

Here are my current stats
I’m using Moridtas’ Reach with no LP atm.
I tried the training dummies, frostibe stacks do up 10k dmg, more around 6-8k, no idea if it should be higher?
So yeah, any suggestions from more experienced people?

PLay as Falcon or Warlock.
Your damage will be more 15.000.000 x higher


Falconer maybe. Warlock not so much. The ignite stack bug is getting fixed, and doing an ignite build normally while viable is still challenging.

I recommend a void knight or spellblade. They are easy to gear, are not bugged from my knowledge, ahead of curve but not enough to be nerfed. Either is a good choice

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Is DW Spellblade viable?

I might have to make a Void Knight too. I wanna play everything!

Anything is viable for 100 corruption. Beyond that, i am unsure. Builds i seen of void knight where largly based around ward and mitigation. You could build it in theory anway way.

Easiest one would probably be void smite build with gaspard item set for a a full void spell damage as it works well with orbs and a few other spells.

I running now the warpath void with physical + void malee [duel wielding]. The idea is to stack max amount of void damage and bay blade around. With the huge buff to damage every 3 seconds you can nuke enemies.