How to create a loot filter

How to create a lootfilter and understand what its doing

  • Completely revamped to fix previous misunderstanding with previous guide
  • Goes more in depth than previous guide I created

So generally i don’t watch any guides, especially build guides.

But for this topic i was genuinely curious how other people handle it, since i always explain loot filters my own way and haven’t seen many other people explain it in detail.

3 things i really don’t like about your approach:

  • First thing: You say the loot filter does work from bottom to top, which makes the whole thing unnecessarily complicated, since in your approach all items go through the whole chain of rules. Which would be not very perfomant and always let’s you check for so many rules if you want to check theoreticlly if your filter works.
    In your approach an item get’s “filtered” multiple times, while in reality itemy only get filtered ONCE, by the first rule they match(from top to bottom)

  • Second thing: Your hide all ilvl <= 25 rule is really dangerous, especially for bases that are already quiet low baseline, like for example silver ring. Because ilvl requirement get’s changed based on they affix tiers that are present on an item.
    Even a silver ring with a T4 + T2 desired affix would get fitered (hidden) in your specific example.

While there is no optimal solution currently there are alot of other ways to not hide potential valueable items. Where i now come to the 3rd thing.

  • 3rd thing: Your hide 464 affix rule will make an absolute beast of a strict filter, since even a 3xT5 desired + 1x TX undesired affix would get filtered out.
    While this is definitely one way to approach this if you want a really really strict filter i would highly advice to warn people, when they are wanting to use that way of filtering. I think a core audience of yours is rather casual and with such a filter they will not see many items on the ground.

It all comes down do how willing players are to actually handle loot.
With your (endgame) filter literally every item that is visible on the ground will be valuable, which is fine for people that do not want to bother with too many items.

But on the other side, you will deny yourself soooo many potentially good items.
Even in endgame items with high affixes and good rolls can be good if they have 1 or even 2 undesired affixes, especially when you are still in the gearing proccess.

The crafting system of LE allows you to get a shot of removing 1 undesired affix, even if this only happens once in a while.

My personaly best items came from 3 or 4 high affix items with 1 undesired affix, which i could remove with a rune of removal.

All that being said, i hope we will soon get more precise tools to configure the loot filter.


So First, Thank you for the feedback definitely will keep these things in mind when i do an update in the future.

While they do go through the whole chain of rules, my goal was to make people aware that rules on top are prioritized more than rules on bottom. This was so that people understood if they have a rule on the bottom and override it on the top then the rule on the bottom isn’t going to appear like they think it might. Some people have been asking me why they add rules but they don’t work. I could definitely clear this bit up better with better wording.

This is definitely worded better than how i did in the video, i may still this line.

This was something that was specifically asked for in my video from the community. IT is why i placed it under the “expert” part of the video so that people would understand they should understand how the filter works before going so precise. I should have used the word dangerous more.

Hiding all low level items was another requested topic. it is dangerous. I agree.

Yes. This is why my loot filter tutorial is structured the way it is, it was to answer specifically asked questions. But i agree at times the wording can be confusing/misleading if you dont know what your really doing.

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I hope you didn’t recieved this as overly negative feedback.

I do appreciate every contribution to a gaming community.

But my main gripe is about you having a relative big impact on the LE community, since you are one of the biggest influences, especially for newer/more guide driven players.

And i would wish that you would be more vocal about potential pitfalls for newer players.
Even if you say it’s more “expert” mode, people might see “oh that’s easy to setup and replicate, i might wanna do this too”.

And then after playing a few dozen hours, they say “loot in LE sucks”.

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First of, thanks to both of you for the contribution to this community, much appreciated!

I personally follow both of your guides, in different stages of the game. Generally, I do not care about bases early on, and I am more willing to loot items with 3 affixes, where I only want 1 of them, just to meet some resistance/health requirements I might have. For this purpose, the approach Heavy describes in his thread works better.

For later stages of the game, Boardman21’s approach is more efficient for me. Worth noting here is that I play only Solo Char. This means that any filtering for alts/other chars is completely useless for me. Furthermore, I typically know what I want even early on in the endgame (early-mid Monolith), meaning I can safely make a filter that only shows items that has the bases I want, and affixes I want.

I agree with Heavy that being clear on your intentions, and err on the side of caution is important if you’re a community pillar who people look up to. But I also feel like people have to read guides/tutorials with some form of self-awareness, and not follow them blindly.

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I second Marante. The video and discussion about the loot filter cleared up things for me.

What I’ve landed on, as Heavy suggested, is to think of the rules being processed top down for each item, and stopping at a hide/show(recolor) when one of the rules is met.

This is what my rules ended up as:

Show all Unique/Set/Exalted Items
Show Ilvl >= 39 Rare One-handed Sword
Show Ilvl >= 59 Rare Body Armor
Show Rare Amulets and Rings
Show Mage-specific 9 Types of Idols
Hide all Idols
Hide all Normal/Magic/Rare Items

It’s a bit simplistic, but I’m a pretty new player as you can see from the item levels.

Idols don’t have a rarity so I had to add a specific rule to hide them.

Another thing to clarify for the users is that within a rule, meeting any option of a condition means that the condition is met.

With multiple conditions, each condition must be true for the rule to be met.

Condition: Item Type = Sceptre or Sword
Condition: Rarity = Rare

Will be true for rare sceptres and rare swords, but not magic swords or rare wands.

This was probably stated in the video, but easy to miss.

Just found your loot filtering guide. Thanks!

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