How much health should I have?

I’m lvl 48 was curious as Rogue Marksman, how much health people generally have at this point.

My level 51 falconer has 653. I would say I have very low hp but net and bird seem pretty good control combo. I think 800+ is a good point to be at but not necessarily as high dps can carry you pretty far in the campaign. As long as your not on hardcore and don’t care about dying anyway.

For comparison my 50 warlock has 877hp+674ward. My warlock can’t really avoid most dmg in a meaningful way like my falconer.

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Yeah I am around that 600 number, I was asking because my beastmaster was higher at this point. Was not sure if the class ran on the low side.

Early on its important to make sure you have some sustain (usually leech) that will deal with damage for ward-less players. Health can be important but things will usually not be trucking you for that kind of damage until much later.

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Reasonable for right now - Empowered Monolith’s is when the game really checks to see if you’ve been properly focused on defense or not.

Right about now is when Hybrid Health can begin dropping (level 45). It’s fairly rare, but you’ll eventually want it on your belt/boot/glove. Combined with % Health on your Helm, Belt, Body Armor. You’ll hopefully climb up to ~2,000 health by 80-85 when you reach empowered.

Try to have Crit Avoidance and Resistances capped by then too. Cleanse sealed on your belt also super helpful.

Good Luck!!!

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Yeah my resistances are at 75 except void…but Crit Avoidance I just started putting points into.
I usually adapt when I die. :grinning:

Thanks for the input guys.

More, the answer is always more. I like to keep a minimum of 1200 @80 on any build. There’s a nice early falconer passive node let’s you convert max HP to endurance threshold too which is useful if you are a falconer or just dipping for a the net skill.

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