How many falconers out there have made it to monos?

Gameplay-wise I’ve been having a blast, but a couple major bugs make it effectively unplayable.

  1. Character keeps going invisible during heavy combat and stays that way even after the mono is completed. I have to keep travelling back to “end of time” to fix it.

  2. Randomly getting teleported halfway across the map. Just lost my last mono to this one because it put me right in the middle of a full room.

I’m trying to gauge if this combination of issues is specific to the mastery or not, since I haven’t seen a lot of comments on it since launch.

They both sound like Bug Reports.

It’s definitely not Falconer specific. I’d throw this into Bug Reports. Sounds like a general issue. I’ve also never seen this happen before at all. Might be good to think of exactly what you were doing at the time that might have caused the issue so they have more to go off of.

It could 100% be triggered by some Falconer ability but I highly doubt it.

It’s not a one-off scenario. I basically gave up on playing until it’s fixed because it happens almost every mono. The falconry attack, aerial assault, explosive trap, ballista, and flurry. I did do a bug report, and when I brought it up to derek in the discord I was told that it was one of the known bugs they were working on.

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