How is Kripparrian leeching Mana?

Dear Community,

I tried to ask Kripp, the Twitch streamer, himself, and I also asked his community in chat, but he never pays attention to his viewers, and they are mostly toxic trolls, so I haven’t gotten an answer from him and them at all:

How is this player leeching mana while playing Forge Guard? I’m playing Warpath, and having MASSIVE mana issues. I can’t cast Holy Aura, practically ever, because of its cost, and the passive Smites my build casts are extremely expensive.

I can’t do continuous damage in Boss fights, and literally have to run around and wait for mana to recharge… Meanwhile: hitting enemies seems to periodically make Kripp’s Forge Guard steal mana… so he never runs out…

There is no mana leech in last epoch. He is probably using the sentinel passive “Time and Faith” which can provide up to 10 mana per cast of a 0 attack ability. Attack speed scales very well with this passive making mana sustain trivial and long as you play a “Builder / Spender” playstlye.

This can further be improved by class affixes on gear like gain mana on hit with Rive or Vengeance. Rive also has a mana on hit support node but that is usually overkill.

You can also regain mana much faster utilizing % mana regen gear and implicits along with passives from the Forge Guard / Paladin Tree and eventually building into a 2LP+ Urzil’s Pride which can drastically increase mana regen when built around. For example this is great method to choose if you wanted to play Forge Strike as a main ability instead of a combo ability using Builder + Spender.

Both options will having you weaving in and out of warpath however. if you want to constantly use channel abilities you have to invest in -mana cost from relics, -mana cost from skill nodes, and + skill levels so you can build for the damage you missed taking mana cost reduction.

Mana regen and -mana cost are far more gear / skill point intensive to play then just weaving in a 0 cost skill every now and then.


If he uses warpath and a 2-h weapon, there is also a node in Warpath that gives mana periodically while channelling warpath.


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