How important is it to cap resistances?

so i am long time veteran poe player around 20k hours in it the max res cap is 75 the base one you can increase it to but the base is 75 and its a must to have resistances maxed atleast 75 in poe i think if you got like 60 resistances you already take like double dmg in poe so how important is it in last epoch? is there massive difference if you got 50 all res or 75

Due to the mob’s area level penetration, if you’re 5% under cap you only take 5% more damage, compared to PoE where you’d take 20% more (30 damage compared to 25 from a 100 damage hit). So you’ll want to have them capped eventually but it’s nowhere near as punishing as it is in PoE if they aren’t.

And having 60% resists in PoE would be “only” 60% more compared to 75%.

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Generally speaking resistances are still very desirable and good in LE, but capping them is definitely not mandatory compared to games like PoE or GD. The emphasize is on capping.

Resistances are still very good, because they protect against Hits and DoT’s and are easy to come by.

But if you for example have 65-70% resistance and you want some additional defenses on your gear getting another defensive suffix instead of capping that one resistance is definitely worth more.

If you want more concrete numbers I like to demonstrate this with a couple of small and well digestible numbers.

Incoming Damage Resistance Damage Taken PoE/Grim Dawn Resistance Damage Taken Last Epoch
Area Level 75+ (Enemy Penetration = 75%) Applies after capping
100 0 100 -75 175
100 70 30 -5 105
100 75 25 0 100

i see thanks i got another question not really related to this thread but i dont wanna make new thread for it anyway i found some guide for lightning orb sorc is it still good in 0.8.5? becuz the planner for that build was made in 0.8.4

Don’t stress yourself out if A, B or C is still good or “viable”, just go for it if you like the skill.

You can make everything work in LE just fine

i am one of those people who can only have fun with meta top tier builds its not fun for me to play some build who struggles in corruption 300

That’s fair, but you don’t even need to have any kind of “meta build” for 300 corruption, not even slightly.

All I am saying is, especially with you saying that your background is a lot of PoE, that you should just go and try LE without thinking about it to much,

You can clear 300+ corruption with basically everything

well my goal isnt corruption 300 but like 500+ as minimum the build im doing was farming maps 1000 corruption apparently but it was 0.8.4 i wanna know if anything much changed for 0.8.5 and sorcerer builds

so no one knows if there was any changes to sorcrer between 0.8.4 and 0.8.5?

There’s a link to the patch notes.

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It doesnt matter, even if the resistances arent as harsh in LE compared to other games, everytime you take damage and your resist isnt capped that is extra damage you took for no reason, so the real question is if you want to minimize the incoming damage or just accept it

I personally always cap, and try to overcap 20% in LE due to Mark for Death

The question is more that if you’re not capping your resists (at end game, obviously), are you getting enough to offset that increased damage taken.

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