How does multiplayer really work

My friend and I were hoping to be able to play together, we unlocked empowered monoliths.

When challenging the boss for the gaze of orobyss only the person who actually pressed enter gets it. Not the other person. So if we both wanted to gain a gaze we would have to refarm it and refight it, or farm up 800 stability, break party and fight our own ones. Doesnt feel very multiplayer friendly.

After realizing only one person gets the gaze and refarmimg so we each had at least one, we went to the echo that adds corruption to the map, only one of us got corruption and only one lost the gaze. So progressing through together doesnt really work

If i have missed something please let me know, was kinda hoping to be able to progress with my friend. Thank you <3

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I also noticed that you can’t really make corruption progress for all of the players that are in party at the same time. Kinda disappointing imo.

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I only play the game with one other friend. This is very frustrating and disappointing. We’ve started to rotate, do my web one night, do his the next. Its the only solution we’ve found.

Well, if you guys are not planning to play alone then you can push only 1 account’s corruption and forget about the other

Maybe its a bug. I´d be so cheeky and put this in the bug reports. :rofl:

Excellent point. As far as I know, drops don’t care whose echo it is.

Timelines the Same.
Its really annoying to clear Monolith for my friend and then again for me.
Makes no Sense for me.

yep, multiplayer-wise they have a lot work to do. Stopped playing with a friends because of the reasons already mentioned. We just hop in and hop off for Oryboss and that’s it.

One more thing: it’s really annoying when you grouped up and then leave the group, one of us have always to relog, because of a error “Echo already in progress”

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+1 to this thread, would love to see a solution in a future patch to encourage corruption pushing in multiplayer.

Question: How does multiplayer really work?
Answer: It doesn’t.

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Also worth noting only the player driving can pick the node/reward for the next echo.

One thing you can also to enhance the experience is this… make sure the players have a slightly staggered amount of stability. You want to ensure that when one player has enough to kill the boss, the other player does NOT.

Now the high stability player starts the boss fight. On kill you both get drops but only those who had sufficient stability to fight the boss get a blessing (and lose all stability), and only the one who started the map gets a Gaze.

Now farm a little more so the other player now has enough stability to fight the boss. Repeat the above with the other player driving.

At the end of this, you both got a blessing, both got a Gaze and both got 2x boss drops.


Ahh, thank you. That sounds like a good way to do it.

Thank you that makes sense and somewhat of a workaround, i play with one other too. Will give this a try.