How do minion and player dot effects stack?

Hey there,
im currently working on a frostbite shaman build and found a lot of ways to get to high stacks quickly. This involves Thorn Totem.
From my testing frostbite applied by my totem (or any minion) does not scale with - for example - Snowdrifts’ coldpenetration effect (the boots). It does scale with increased minion damage or attunement tho.

I was now wondering what happens when the totem and my character both apply frostbite to the same target. Both sources contribute to the same stack on the target (and the number goes up from either ones hits)

How does the game calculate the entire frostbite stack from mixed sources? Does anyone know?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

From my limited understanding, each individual stack is tracked by it’s source. So “your” dot’s are tracked separately from your minions dot’s even though they show up in the same stack for chill/frostbite.

Not knowing how EHG implemented their system but being a programmer, I think the most likely way is: whenever stacks are added from a source, they are fed into the “stacks module” saying something like “add x stacks with y damage”. So you end up with a full stack where each one has different values and the module then calculates based on the sum of them.

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Thanks for the quick response guys! I was kinda thinking in the same direction. But its hard to test… :slight_smile:

ah btw: from your understanding, is there something like “snapshotting” for temporary damage buffs when it comes to dots?

As long as that’s “damage is tracked by the individual stack based on what modifiers were affecting it at the time it was applied”, then yes…

Everything snapshots, minions are the most egregious example of this, but any spell/skill snapshots the relevant stats that were applicable at the time it was used.

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It’s the most likely scenario, yes. Each stack is added with it’s damage. If you then increase that value by indirect means, then it shouldn’t reflect on the stack already applied. Although global effects like “increased damage over time” might be reflected in the formula the “module” uses.
No idea to actually know unless the devs chip in and I imagine it would be very hard to test.

That would be used to calculate the damage the stack of DoT does at the time it’s applied, then it’s irrelevant. The only temporary effect that would be different in this scenario would be a debuf that made the target take more damage as that’s a different part of the damage calculation.

Once you’ve applied the DoT, changes to your “outgoing damage stats” (ie, % increased damage, as contrasted with % increased damage taken by the target) won’t have any effect.


Thanks guys. I really appreciate all the answers!

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