How Do I Use Ballistas While Leveling?

I made a falconer build and I wanna use Ballistas but I have no idea how they work… Can anyone share me ideas or pointers? Thanks

A ballista is just something that you place on the ground and it autoshoots nearby enemies for its duration. There really isn’t much more to it.
They’re heavy on mana usage, though, so you have to find ways to regain mana if you want to use them as your main skill.

Personally, I kept a main damage ability specialized until my gear could handle mana better. For me it was Flurry. That did most of my damage running around and I used the ballista like a damage buff for large packs and bosses. By the time I unlocked the third specialization, I was able to drop ballistas and just let them work, so that’s when I respec’d Flurry to use my build’s real third ability.

Smoke bomb was my first specialization because un-spec’d Flurry was killing well.
Spec’d Flurry.
When the third unlocked, my unspec’d ballista was killing well, so I respec’d Flurry to Ballista and spec’d Falconry as my third.

Your mileage may vary, but it was pretty smooth for me this way. Of course, I was using Unique bows that dropped on other toons, so maybe my damage was inflated.

I simply drop a ballista at the edge of the screen in the direction I’m running, and most times, by the time I get there, most or all of the mobs are dead.

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experimental boots with the affix that makes minions teleport when you use a traversal skill is helpful. if you spec into increased ballista duration you can usually clear a few screens worth of enemies without having to recast them

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Would you recommend a bow or two daggers?