How Do I Best Defeat Majasa?

I am encountering some difficulty in being able to defeat Majasa, I have fire resistance as high as I can push it with the use of Idols with a few +Elemental Resestance Idols too. I was able to defeat her the first time, but she killed my character off after she came back alive again, which is annoying, it was difficult to kill her off the first time. Anyway, I know how to aovid getting hit by those things that fire elemental damage at my character, two of them got left behind after killing Majasa off for the first time, but I just got caught out by one of Majasaā€™s attacks, as she came up right behind me with a surprise attack. She hit me so fast, I hardly saw it coming. Is there also a better spell/skill than Glacier that my Mage could use that will do the most damage? As the glacier skill, even with crit hit in one of my skill nodes maxed out, itā€™s not powerful enough to take her life bar out effectively enough. I have access to the Spellblade Mastery, is there a Skill with higher damage that could do a better job than my Glacier Skill? Oh and where is the Way Point for The Chamber Vessels? I missed that one completely.

The last Waypoint is Inner temple, after that no waypoint. Gonna have to start from there to get back to Majasa.

Majasaā€™s own attacks deal physical damage, cap ur phys res and you can even overcap it since she has physical resist shred in second phase.
IMO phys res is the most important in the fight, just kill the turrets quickly when they spawn and they take quite some time to respawn.

You can probably look up some guides on Maxroll: Build Guides, Tierlists, Planner, News for Last Epoch - or last epoch tools:

Spellblades typically go for melee skills instead of spells like Glacier although hybrid melee+spell and spellcaster spellblade is possible, its more niche.
Shatter strike is a very strong spellblade skill usually used with mana strike to sustain the mana cost. With some decent swords it should kill Majasa easily.

Majasa is a brutal fight for the sudden increase in difficulty, just like Lagon was. You can watch her eyes glow and then make sure you get out of the front of her real quick, or you will be ā€œturned to stoneā€ (frozen) temporarily, or slowed. She has an arsenal of varied attacks so all of your resistances are important for the most part.

When she goes underground get the 3 orbs knocked out as quickly as possible. If you can DPS her down enough to keep her from regenerating much during the second phase that would help a lot.

All that being said, one way to handle her is to do a few monoliths to level up a bit and then you will find she is much easier.

GoldenExperie, I am so deeply sorry that I was not able to reply until now. I was unwell at the time with a tummy bug that lasted for days. Itā€™s gone now, thank goodness. Thank you for the feedback, I will make a note of the last way point, thanks for that. I wonder why that way point, the one that you mentioned is the last one before you take on Majasa?

Seems odd not to be abble to get back to her in a location that is a lot more closer to her, but thatā€™s just my own personal opinion. Good idea about the turrets to take them down the moment Majasa goes underground, getting rid of those will definately help. Wait! They Respawn? Thatā€™s a bit unfair, again this is just my personal opinion, itā€™s not for everyone so no one attack me on here please. Like I said killing off Nagassa once is bad enough, twice is a bit much, the turrents respawning after taking them out is a bit over kill though. Yes, taking on the bosses are supposed to be chanlanging, but that needs to strike the right kind of balance of not being too easy and not being too difficult to do, at the same time. Anyway, thank you for the info about the physical resistance. Will killing off MaJasa make the turrets go away, or will I need to take those out after killing off Majasa for the second time. I feel I may as well just try my best to dodge out of the way of the turrets attacks and deal with them last if they are still around after killing off Majasa for good.

Lagon used to have the same issue. They have since added a waypoint that is closer to the boss.

Iā€™m guessing the reason they didnā€™t do the same for Majasa is because you have prophecies for Majasa and a waypoint would make them too easy to complete?
Though there are prophecies for Liath and she has a convenient waypoint available, so maybe not? :man_shrugging:

Itā€™s possible theyā€™ll add a closer one in the future, I guess, same as they did with Lagon.

Travoas, thanks for the feedbaack, the orbs/turrets as GoldenExperie has mentioned they respawn if you get rid of them. That said, surely there is no point in taking them out if they are going to respawn? Like what I have said, I will focus on killing Majasa twice and then focus on the orbs/turrets last and if they do respawn again, that will be just dam right unfair just after having to kill a boss twice. Donā€™t get me wrong, I like a good challange, but it has to be fair. Yes, evil in general does not play fair, I get that too. My point here is that, for the minority, which I feel that I am part of that spectrum, are going to have a very difficult time, while the majority of the die hard gaming community are going to love the very steep and difficulty that fighting these bosses contain. But this fact should not stop or prevent the minority of us who want a little bit of a more easy time with such things and not have people tell us. Well This Game Is Not For You, kind of attitude, because that kind of attitude is very unfair and damn right rude and very wrong, not just to me peronally, I would say it is so for those like me that are the minority, we exist and we seerve a purpose and we should not be put down by people or told what is or is not for us. Why feel the need to exlude us? Are we a threat to the Majority I wonder and why?; if that is so. I digress, sorry about that. Anyway, thank you for the feeback, it is grately appreciated. I am as yet to see a game that is made truly for people of all kinds of levels, backgrounds, etc.

DJSamhein. Thank yuo for that wonderful piece of information. I appreciate that and I do hope that the creators of this game will add a much closer way point, I am not asking for too much. Just an easier way to get to Majasa. oops, I have been calling her Nagassa, my bad, I will just go and crorrect that right now. Iā€™m terrible with names, not all of the time, just some names are easier to remember than others.

Thatā€™s not really an issue since when you kill Majasa you can just go right back out the door you came in and then go back in to continue with your prophecies. Donā€™t know if you already knew this or not.

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If you donā€™t then they will continue to do damage to you and they only respawn when she goes back underground, which is when you are supposed to take them out since you canā€™t do anything to her at that time.

I think she only spawns the turrets twice and its on a health threshold so not really a respawn. Looking at her in tunklabs Majasa
she spawns them first at 75% health and then at 40% health. So you just have to kill em twice and youā€™re good. Makes it easier to focus on her.

Travoas. Ah, I see, thank you for that very useful information. I will make sure to take you up on your wonderful suggestion.

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Hereā€™s my spellblade build. It does massive damage and might make things a bit easier for you depending on your level.

Rasalom. Thank you, that might come in handy as unfortunately I messed things up with my Mage, so I am having to create a new one. I havenā€™t done so yet, so your build will definately come in handy. Thank you so very much.

You can respec everything except for your mastery. And they are saying that come next month youā€™ll be able to respec even that. So no matter how bad your current build is, you shouldnā€™t have to reroll.


Rasalom. Thanks, but I really messed things up real bad, that not even respecing can help me out on this one, trust me. Also, I want to start a fresh and be able to create an even better mage than my previous one.