Hey all. I’ve been really excited for the 1.0 launch and I would like to introduce a number of my friends to the game with the launch. My home internet has generally offered excellent, above average connectivity to the Last Epoch servers, and I was thinking running a LAN party for the launch would be fun.
I was hoping to get a sense of things I need to consider for this. First, I realize I can’t play Last Epoch on LAN - how many people will I be able to host on my home internet before things get dicey?
Internet speed test results for reference.
On a practical side I’m going to be offering food and refreshments, seating arrangements, sufficient power outlets, sufficient and ventilation for the space. I think it’s going to be a smaller shindig—something like 8 people.
My main concerns/considerations are:
- Will the Last Epoch servers allow for 8 players connecting from the same local network?
- Is my bandwidth sufficient for everyone to retain a good experience with the game?
- Is there a way to play the game over LAN?
- I think we may end up having two 4 player parties, is there anything we need to consider with this particular set up?
- Most of these players will have had experience with aRPGs, but no experience with Last Epoch. What resources/tools would be best for me to provide for them, or should I let everyone experience the game organically?
If anyone has any other insights/feedback/ideas, it would be appreciated.