How can I run a successful LAN Party for the 1.0 launch?

Hey all. I’ve been really excited for the 1.0 launch and I would like to introduce a number of my friends to the game with the launch. My home internet has generally offered excellent, above average connectivity to the Last Epoch servers, and I was thinking running a LAN party for the launch would be fun.

I was hoping to get a sense of things I need to consider for this. First, I realize I can’t play Last Epoch on LAN - how many people will I be able to host on my home internet before things get dicey?

Internet speed test results for reference.

On a practical side I’m going to be offering food and refreshments, seating arrangements, sufficient power outlets, sufficient and ventilation for the space. I think it’s going to be a smaller shindig—something like 8 people.

My main concerns/considerations are:

  • Will the Last Epoch servers allow for 8 players connecting from the same local network?
  • Is my bandwidth sufficient for everyone to retain a good experience with the game?
  • Is there a way to play the game over LAN?
  • I think we may end up having two 4 player parties, is there anything we need to consider with this particular set up?
  • Most of these players will have had experience with aRPGs, but no experience with Last Epoch. What resources/tools would be best for me to provide for them, or should I let everyone experience the game organically?

If anyone has any other insights/feedback/ideas, it would be appreciated.


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No, not really just play however you want, it will work.

I highly suggest going in blind and just experience the game. Don’t worry about anything. No tools, no build guides

What I would recommend though is having realistic expectations.

While I hope and wish for EHG that the launch will go well. There is always the possibilty that something goes wrong. And you guys might not be able to play together. If that is the case you guys should be ok with playing offline, solo on your own individually.

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My honest advice would be to consider whether to do that on launch day. There’s the “possibility” of servers being on fire and the game being unplayable online for … some time.

Will there be LAN Mode in the future?
Asking because it is still listed under multiplayer on kickstarter:
“We are building Last Epoch with cooperative and competitive online multiplayer, offline single, and LAN support.”

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Playing offline chars on LAN would be amazing.